

Reflection's Animation

Nexon finally fixed Reflection's animation glitch after years. That was one of the reasons why I quit my luminous, and still waiting for the KMS's light/dark system to hit GMS and I'll be back. Hopefully ... but let's celebrate nexon finally made it !~ lmao

September 8, 2016

8 Comments • Newest first


@ourania that's entertaining, but hey they did it lmao

Reply September 20, 2016

You better give up your hopes kid. It's Nexon who's handling this game. Once they go black, they never go back to white like how kms luminous can choose to, just like how every single luminous is defaulted to dark side. Hasn't that taught you anything?

Reply September 20, 2016

@hyhfct: Ahhh makes sense. I'll give it a look after the maintenance on my lumi. thanks haha

Reply September 9, 2016

You guys will never know how much I love Reflection, it's like one of my mostttttttt favorite skills in the game, ever. I got so frustrated whenever I watched KMS's luminous or any ms basically that nexon doesn't mess with the skill. But now that I've spent so much on my Evan I won't be coming back to my Luminous soon :'( , maybe, maybe when we get the KMS's version. I doubt I would switch main if Evan's revamp never released >.> but oh well I will log in once in a while just to mess with the skill

Reply September 9, 2016

@epicnarwhal: Right before Reflection activates, the diamond that the rays come out of disappears, so it looks like you're shooting rays of light from your staff.

Reply September 9, 2016

Sorry but I never took note of it, but what was wrong with the animation?

Reply September 9, 2016

@pikalachu haha I know I play the class mostly because of its beautifully done animations, not really for the damage or dpm whatsoever. I know they are very bad at that though. But idk with the KMS's system you can enter equilibrium every 25 ~ 35 secs so that's still good if even though you have to use that dark skill that is super slow. I'm curious I just want to see a luminous testing a before and after ( if it hits GMS ) to see if the KMS's system is really stronger at bossing.

Reply September 8, 2016

Like really , you quited lumi because of a animation bug that did NOTHING wrong to the skill itself. I would understand if you left lumi cuz we didn't get its kms part which is what really drives me away from gms lumi.
One can only hope we get kms lumi but I doubt we will.
And if we ever do get it, prepare for all the lumi to whine haha.

Reply September 8, 2016