spitfirebal2 #General Talk


Thanksgiving Event Guide Hi, it looks like a lot of people are confused about this, so I wanted to clarify it a bit. The source of the information was not from me, but rather this thread here: However, this format may be easier to deal with. Step 1: Gather: 200 Stone Golem Rubble (Henesys Golem, first map) 200 Ink (Mysterious Path 2 in Singapore, dropped by Octobunnies) 200 Green Mushroom Caps (First map out of Henesys) 200 Seedlings (From Ghost Stumps in Perion. It's the same map where Stumpy spawns, so be careful!) 200 Drake Skulls (From Copper Drakes in Sleepywood, the first map.) 200 Fire Extinguishers (From the "firemen mobs" in Singapore, the map right before Boat Quay Town) Step 2: Talk to: The six people in Event Hall corr


Twisted Jesters Drops So a few days ago I was tipped that Jesters drop Hinomaru Fans, which I was trying to get and anvil to my wand. After hunting them for a while, I noticed that they dropped many "fake cash items", and wanted to give back to the community by compiling a list of drops that I received from them. Hook Hand (claw) Emergency Rescue Tube (1H Mace) Red Umbrella (1H Sword) Toy Rifle (Crossbow) Black Paint Brush (1H Axe) Burning Marshmellow (Wand) Trumpet (1H Sword) Green Ski (Spear) Zhu-Ge-Liang Wand (Wand) Black Tube (1H Mace) Scissor Stick (2H Sword) Lunch box (Lv 60) (1H Sword) [untradeable] Duck tube (1H Mace) Horoscope Sword (Staff) (lmao) Luminous Heaven Dagger (Dagger) [untradeable] Tiger Paw (Claw) Hinomaru Fan