

steven7x23 #Chat Talk

General Chat

Mustaches and Beards All Facial Hair Hello guys hi lets have a talk about mustaches and beards you name and show a picture of the mustaches and beards that you reallly like, yea really bored right now post your mustaches or facial hair you want to have even if you are a girl cause i know you want one of them mustaches and beards cause they smexy stuff to wear on your face and head come all guys girls, mens, womens, childrens, boys and little girls and kiddies experience real mustaches

General Chat

Derr her Birthday So today is my friends birthday i was informed 1 week ago about her b-day i didnt know what to get her,i am currently right now freaking out because well i got the present a nice shirt and a poster of stuff she likes and some skittles but unfortunately she the poster and shirt which i am buying off the net are to be delivered in a few weeks so what i planned my truth in a strange way going up to her and saying "oh sorry your present will be delivered to you in a month but for now here have some skittles" something like that but should i give her more, cause i was planning on head phones, like skull candy but that would look dumb on her even though she is somewhat emo but you know so pretty much what do i do today