#Bowmaster Talk

General Bowmaster

Bowmaster's Inhuman Speed is bugged, please report it Fixed as of the scheduled game update on 7/19. ----- I've posted a bug report here: Basically, Inhuman Speed (ugh, that name...) will not activate after two or three procs of its passive effect. The blue glowy skill effect shows up, but it won't actually fire anything at all. Calling all Bowmasters to once again join the fray as we attempt to fix one of many broken skills. Sending a ticket and posting in the forums would be great. Somewhat related: the installation delay on map load for Arrow Blaster has been fixed. Hooray! However, the disappearance of Arrow Blaster is still here, and I recommend posting in this bug report thread telling Nexon that it's still bugged after the Override u

General Bowmaster

KMST v1.2.049 - Anniversary Balancing KMS: KMST: (No differences from KMST -> KMS) ####V: Bowman Guided Arrow: damage has been increased [500% -> 600%] ####V: Explorer Bowman Evolve: number of attacks has been increased [6 -> 7] ####V: Bowmaster Afterimage Shot: cooldown has been increased [20 sec -> 30 sec] Buff for everything. According to Insoya, a longer cooldown on Afterimage Shot actually benefits Afterimage Shot in terms of damage. Not to mention that it lines up with Arrow Blaster's duration and Enchanted Quiver's cooldown for better skill management.

General Bowmaster

KMST ver. 1.2.047 - More Balancing ###KMS 1.2.274 ####5th Job (changes from KMST -> KMS) Afterimage Shot: damage has been increased from 750% to 800% Final skill description: Afterimage Shot: Shoot your bow so fast that an afterimage is created, attacking quickly enough to be seen. If the afterimage attacks an enemy using Damage Reflect, you will not take damage. [master level: 25] - Level 1: Consumes 800 MP. Create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 416% damage 3 times continuously for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds. [Passive effect: while Afterimage Shot is on cooldown, every 10 attacks, automatically create an afterimage that attacks enemies in range, dealing 416% damage 3 times continuously for 1 second.] The active e

General Bowmaster

Attention all Bowmasters If you've been playing on your Bowmaster since the v177 Secret Stories patch, you have probably encountered the very, very, verrrrryyyy annoying Arrow Blaster bug. You know, the one where installing Arrow Blaster doesn't work sometimes? And it still goes on cooldown? Yeah. We've been through 5 version ups (v178->v182) without a fix. KMS has this issue right now as well. They're on their 12th version up since then. (as of the writing of this thread) It's been falling on deaf ears in both KMS and GMS. All Bowmasters, or anyone else who wants to help us, please send in a ticket detailing the issue. Every ticket counts. My ticket was met unfortunately with a GM who said that it's working as intended: Let's try to change

General Bowmaster

Bowmaster new 5th job skill Afterimage Shot ##Final Week (1/4): KMS ver. 1.2.270 ####All Jobs The V Matrix now unlocks a new slot every 5 levels instead of every 6 levels. The maximum number of slots has been increased to 14. 200: 4 slots 205: 5 slots 210: 6 slots 215: 7 slots 220: 8 slots 225: 9 slots 230: 10 slots 235: 11 slots 240: 12 slots 245: 13 slots 250: 14 slots Decent Holy Symbol: For a certain amount of time, gain more EXP and item drop rate while hunting monsters. This effect does not stack with Holy Symbol. (max level: 25) - Level 1: Consumes 2530 HP, increases experience by 20% and drop rate by 14% for 183 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds. - Level 25: Consumes 1750 HP, increases experience by 32% and drop rate by 22% for 255 sec

General Bowmaster

Returning bowmaster low damage range Recently have returned to maple after 2 years, and i'm playing on my 155 bowmaster. I have about 1b meso's cash but when i tried to do horntail regular and chaos zakum i got wrecked. The guy i was partying with was also outdamaging me despite being a level 140. My range is What do you suggest i spent the 1b on to get a better damage range than 19k? I recently heard of the star stystem and starred my utgard bow to +5 which helped a bit. gear setup:http://imgur.com/a/d7Lbc Greatly appreciated Thanks

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