#Phantom Talk

General Phantom

Tips for a new Phantom? I recently created a Phantom in Reboot, Lv 153 at the moment. I've created a few phantoms before just to have fun in other servers, but I'm looking to make this character my main, and was wondering if anyone had some tips for a basically unfunded Phantom. At the moment, I have... All Pensalir equips Dea Sidus Earrings Zakum Face and Eye accs Blackgate Shoulder Mystic Belt (Terrible, I know) Gold Silent Crusade Ring Ring from Ellin Theme Dungeon Curbrock Ring 120 Def ring I crafted Veteran Pendant Haven't gotten Pocket slot yet All are Starforced to 10 stars, or max, whichever comes first All have 3% luck or more, except for cape, which has no potential I know these are terrible, so tips as to how to get good equips a

General Phantom

A few Phantom questions I'm curious to a few things about Phantom and was hoping someone could help. With the PB event going on at first I thought I was going to just dump everything onto my Phantom. But I'm starting to doubt if I want to main it, I'm unsure if I like the progress I've made or if I like the actual class. I haven't really trained it in quite awhile just been doing dailies so that's another thing that makes me wonder. So now for the few questions with story time out of the way. 1.When do Phantoms actually start to shine dmg wise and are able to hold their own in bosses? 2.With the same funding in Reboot how do Phantoms fair compared to BM/WH and NL? 3.Any Phantom tips would be nice and anything else I should know?

General Phantom

Phantom Guide Post 5th Job -This is going to be VERY VERY long so I am going put headers if you want to skip some parts. But a lot to write since I am currently second maining a phantom and had made many false assumptions on the class prior to me actually playing it to a decent funded level (still not nearly as amazing as my DB though because DB is my primary main). I am still more of an expert of Dual Blade, but I have learned a lot about how Phantom works based on phantom mains that told me, many of my friends, and also based on my general understanding of the game. Well Anyway Here is the Guide~~~~~~ -Made specifically for returning phantoms or new phantoms *********************************************************************************

General Phantom

New Phantom 5th Job Blackjack: damage and number of hits have been adjusted. Level 1: Consumes 800 MP. Deals 424% damage, bouncing 20 times. After the bounces are complete, the seal is released, dealing an additional 1040% damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies. Cooldown: 15 seconds. Level 25: Consumes 800 MP. Deals 1000% damage, bouncing 20 times. After the bounces are complete, the seal is released, dealing an additional 2000% damage 6 times on up to 12 enemies. Cooldown: 15 seconds. This gonna be so strong. Hits hard and according to youtube vids it procs carte noir and still allows you to mille,tempest, or joker at the same time. Might fully commit to funding this class

General Phantom

Little bit of 5th job theory crafting I don't really think I can number crunch all of this but i wanted to see if anyone else thought about taking a F/P mage 2nd or 3rd job skill (poison mist or that 2nd job poison thing) and buffing it with nodes (250% final damage at max rank if we take 2nd and 150% if we take poison mist) and then using it with the 5th job thief skill that explodes dots and does 15% more with dots on it. I think if numbers are crunched that has some pretty high potential, at least once the cross surge nerf & phantom buff comes to gms to add on to this you can even take NLs bleed dart

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