

Keyboard settings resets at random.

I want to see if there is anyone else having this problem.

Me and two other Maplers are experiencing this problem.!%26nxid%3D6

December 3, 2015

2 Comments • Newest first


@kilianshaw: Interesting, I will test it out later on the day.

If true that means Aran can't use Combo Tempest for now, as Combo Tempest can now only be activated by key binding, not command.

Reply December 4, 2015

ill go ahead and post this here.

Made an Aran on reboot to find my key binding mass deleteing them selves and not knowing why.

after a while i realised after placing Combo tempest on a hotkey i could not move or remove it.

after experimenting but not finding any root cuase or direct way to replicate it, i found that indeed Combo tempest is the issue.
TL;DR: Dont put combo tempest on any hotkey until its fixed. yull get a wiped keybindings if u cc or change map afterwords

Reply December 4, 2015