twopointonefour #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

KMST 1.2.036 - Archer common [Guy Hooded Arrow]: The cooldown, damage, number of attacks will be adjusted. - Bow Master [Arrow Lane]: The duration and cooldown, damage, damage increase is adjusted. - Shrine [True seunayiping]: The duration and cooldown, damage, launch count will be adjusted. Where the effects of the application receive fractional volts, and added to the ignore feature increases critical chance with ERA. - Windbreaker [Howling Gale]: gust duration, the damage will be adjusted. - Mercedes [Elemental Ghost]: duration, cooldown, the final damage banyoungryul are adjusted. Ring of Ishtar is the proc half at regular intervals when using attack skills in use The ability to add a wide range of attacks with the power of the spirit i