
Maplestory Reboot and Returning

Hello! Haven't played in a while, saw Reboot. What's the catch? It looks too good to be true, I want to know if it's worth installing and what the general opinion on it is. Thanks.

December 12, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


@soulstreak: Thanks for all the tips! I've just been doing quests and it's working fine. I'm having some trouble finding gear though D: And what happened to Tots, i miss my free hair

Reply December 12, 2015

@elvisxx: You do realize they removed mesos sacks before they added reboot right ._.

Reply December 12, 2015

a tip i'll give you since you're returning. Look up a leveling guide on youtube or use the mapleguide under the minimap. Classes like demon avenger, hayato, kanna, lumi, aran (in that order) are the easiest to start as in reboot. (even though i went paladin).

DO NOT use the event cubes/stamps until you get the 140 pensalair gear. It drops like candy at dimension invasion and temple of time. Save some character slots for link skills (Kanna, DA, phantom, xenon)

Reply December 12, 2015

@cotopia: Technically it will still not be p2w. The meso sack only holds 24m (if they doesn't change it) and are quite pricey. Anyone can get 50m+ in less than an hour grinding at mp3. Also, since there are no economy, the "p2w" factor is kinda limited to the person himself/herself. If he/she literally choose to treat the game as a race, then he/she is free to do so. Soon they will leave of boredom anyway.

Reply December 12, 2015

it's not pay to win atm so enjoy it while it lasts because I'm sure it will be soon, when Nexon decides to release the meso sacks in cash shop with some kind of pathetic excuse.

Reply December 12, 2015

It is a NX free world as long as you don't want pets, nx covers, or any nice hair/face*

Reply December 12, 2015

@wall: So it's a non-pay to win potential and NX free world?

Reply December 12, 2015