

General Chat

How to adc?LoL How do pros adc play ? I know some use the attack move key, the smart cast version, or just simply right click, but how ar.e you guys able to farm, and poke constantly without messing up, along with being able to orb walk, or kite, and keeping your distance from their support/adc? It seems rather hard to focus on all of these, as well as being able to view the mini map for jungler ganks, and most adcs always attack the instant the range between them two ar.e met. so my question is, for any ADC's out ther.e, how do you guys manage your way? Any tips? I personally use the smart cast attack move (A) to kite, but I don't feel like im stable with it. TLDR: Any Tips for playing the adc role well, and perhaps specific mechanics for

General Chat

Ocd ruining my life I just wanted to open out to others that have ocd whether its mild or severe, or anybody really. How do you guys deal with it? The way it just controls your mind and the urges you to redeem yourself. I feel like having this is somewhat controlling my life, along with anxiety. On a daily basis, I would have to over excessive urges on general things (Yes even when im typing this out lol). I just want to see different perspectives on others that have OCD. To people that don't know what ocd is: it's basically a urge in your mind that encourages you to do a certain task to make yourself feel complete/redeemed. Hard to just ignore as it is an urge that will escalate heavier. How do you guys feel about it?