
Uhh My special heart. Grather around for a short read

This heart, has a history behind it. Sonu's mother, the creator of the 1st permanent Crystal Heart.
1645, was a cold year for everyone and that's when Snou's mother had realized that the Germans were going to
take her precious son away from her. So she made this heart in the loving memory of his son.

This heart is purely an antique and is made by the finest metal and is Gold plated.
Here is a heart warming picture of this fascinating piece of work.

This heart is also up for sale and I am selling it for pretty cheap.


May 24, 2014

8 Comments • Newest first


I don't think that's right...

Reply May 25, 2014

because not everyone can afford perfect items? lol....
its meant for middle class-bit of upper class maplers
not everyone can afford the best...

Reply May 25, 2014

@viisshh: 10 att scrolls weren't out when i scrolled it? i just used red scrolls lol, if your gonna start perfecting somethings why not finish it?

Reply May 24, 2014

A 56 att heart = all 8 att scrolls passed 7 times..

Them tier three 9 slot hearts though

Reply May 24, 2014

@ Xploithero your point?
@PandaBurr My windows doesn't have a button, I have to press it against it's lock and then it slides open.
@Xaiosun, You probably used more 10 attacks? wow -.-

Reply May 24, 2014

lolwut this heart actually isnt that good, i have a beryl heart with 56 on it o.o this thing has the same slots, why does it have less attack?

Reply May 24, 2014

Windows Button > Shut down > Go to Bed

Reply May 24, 2014

tlr i hacked clean slates and then made an illegit heart, now im selling it and posting in the wrong section

Reply May 24, 2014