

voidoftime #Quests Talk

General Quests

Sharenian Guild Quest Guide [header]Table of Contents[/header] 1. Introduction 2. Pre-Requisites 3. In PQ Requirements 4. Before PQ Tips 5. Entering the GPQ 6. Stage 1 7. Stage 2 8. Stage 3 9. Stage 4 10. Stage 5 11. Stage 6 12. Stage 7: Boss 13. Stage 8: Bonus [header]1. Introduction[/header] Hello Everybody. We all know that Sharenian PQ, aka The GPQ, is returning. I searched Basil, but found only an old guide, So I will write a new one. This is based off the original pq that was deleted 3-4 years ago. It may change in the new patch *Unleashed* and this guide will change if it does. [header]2. Pre-Requisites[/header] In order to sign up for the GPQ, one must follow these requirements: -Must have a Jr. Master, or Master to sign up and lead

General Quests

The Renewed Cwkpq Guide New Guide to CWKPQ with old info but will be updating as I encounter new information [b]To Be Added:[/b] Different paths to CWKPQ entrance More Boss Drops More Bonus Drops Job Specifications [header]Opening[/header] I will explain each stage in detail and how the PQ works in essence. [header]Basic Rules[/header] You must be level 90+ to do the PQ, but i recommend being 110+ to actually do something especially archers. You are only allowed to do the PQ 2 times a day. After completing the PQ a 2nd time, you must wait 24 hours exactly to go again. (Also unconfirmed, It seems you could go once on 1 day, then twice on another day.) Haste and Teleport are Required in order to complete the PQ. You must wait between 2-5 minu

General Quests

The Great Guide to Cwkpq This will be my own guide to the CWKPQ, because other guides are not detailed for new people to understand anything at all about it. [header]Opening[/header] I will explain each stage in detail and how the PQ works in essence. To get to the CWKPQ, Head to the Haunted House in NLC and walk to the right. Walk right some more. When you finally reach the area with big red Crimson Guardians, head into the portal above them to the Courtyard. Enter the keep. Inside the keep, head left to find a portal on the stairs and take it to the top right of the map. Click the door to enter to the PQ entrance. You must be level 90+ to do the PQ, but i recommend being 110+ to actually do something especially archers. You are only allow

General Quests

The Great Guide to Cwkpq This will be my own guide to the CWKPQ, because other guides are not detailed for new people to understand anything at all about it. [header]Opening[/header] I will explain each stage in detail and how the PQ works in essence. To get to the CWKPQ, Head to the Haunted House in NLC and walk to the right. Walk right some more. When you finally reach the area with big red Crimson Guardians, head into the portal above them to the Courtyard. Enter the keep. Inside the keep, head left to find a portal on the stairs and take it to the top right of the map. Click the door to enter to the PQ entrance. You must be level 90+ to do the PQ, but i recommend being 110+ to actually do something especially archers. You are only allow