
Three Dragon Pet Effect

Hello everyone!

I have a question - I bought three dragon pets for the three dragon pet effect, evolved them to adult dragons of different colors (red, blue, and black), but the three dragon effect still wouldn't show up for me. Does anyone know what I'm missing? Do all the dragons have to be a certain level?


Edit: So I solved the problem. Wearing Shoes of Life covers the dragon effect. Disabling its effect made the dragon effect appear again.

April 16, 2016

19 Comments • Newest first


@magne @helpingly Nope, to change colors, all you need is a new Rock of Evolution.
@rogue RIP. ;~; Are you only aiming for one of them or all three?

Reply April 16, 2016

@magne: You have to get a new pet I think.

Reply April 16, 2016

can you evolv a alredy full grown dragon again if you want a other one or do you need to buy a whole new dragon pet ?

Reply April 16, 2016

try removing any other non-nx effects you have.. like dojo gloves and such

Reply April 16, 2016

@pokiitia Nope, it doesn't have to be.
@rogue Took me three tries to get the black one.
@helpingly I actually got green twice. I personally think it's the ugliest of the four colors as its facial expression is just eh.

Reply April 16, 2016

I want the green dragon. But I always ask myself if it is worth it and come to the conclusion that it isnt

Reply April 16, 2016

People actually still buy the pet dragon?? @_@
I would invest in it if they sold him perm one day.

Reply April 16, 2016

I saw someone with the effect today, but he had 3 red ones.
How many attempts did it take to get the black one for you?

Reply April 16, 2016

do u think they have 2 be the same colour

Reply April 16, 2016

@chuongsa The effect doesn't show up for me even when the dragon pets were not evolved and I was standing still. I've tried relogging, unequipping them and re-equipping them, etc., but it still wouldn't show up.

It took me three tries for the black dragon.

Reply April 16, 2016 - edited

the effect should show up even if they're not evolved. try unequipping them and equipping them again. you have to stand still for the effect to show up

how many tries did it take you to get the black dragon?

Reply April 16, 2016 - edited