
all this confusion about sweetvvater equips

EDIT: first of all i want to clarify that u cant just turn a 140-150 equip into a SW equip, u only transfer the scrolls, stars and pots to a EXISTING sweet*water equip, loosing the 140-150 in the proccess.

everyone has been speculating things and stuff about the new lv.160 SW (sweet*water) equips. so ill try to clear some of this confusion.

before i start i wanna say this is based on my own speculation, logic, understanding of the patch notes and a bit of experience since i already got a SW overall.

Lv.150 commerci equips
1st of all in commerci theres the episode questline that gives commerci equips, this are equips 150 that arent part of a set and their stats isnt that good.

clean Lv.160 SW equips
to get the clean versions (tradable until equiped) you need to kill grosso polpo or livyatan. these are bosses in the trade system which u can enter by talking to 'maestra fiametta' on the first house in commerci. you get 100 energy per day which is used for the trades. the trades are:

Dolce, 10 energy

Luna, 12 energy (complete 10 dolce trades to unlock)

Rosa, 15 energy (complete 15 Luna trades to unlock)
grosso polpo (drops normal and chaos cubic blades and SW equips, and probably the anvils)

Herb Town, 25 energy (compelte 20 Rosa trades to unlock)
grosso polpo
livyatan (i havent fight him but i assume he drops the same as polpo and the anvils)

Rien Harbor, 30 energy (complete 25 trades with Herb Town to unlock)
grosso polpo

Lith Harbor, 40 energy (complete 15 trades with Rien Harbor to unlock)
grosso polpo

I assume in rien harbor and lith harbor grosso polpo and livyatan appearmore times.

people say these equips are completly untradable upon equiped, and maybe its true but there is nothing that confirms it since emp equips only say "trade disabled when equiped" and it is not until u equip that the message about psok appeares.
[quote=kenny777777]If you equip an emp or RA, it gives you charm. But SW equips don't give you charm when you equip it like tempest rings. So I'm pretty sure they're untradeable upon equip.[/quote]
with this new approach im now betting on the things everyone says and it is surely a disadvantage

Upgrading equips 140 & 150 to SW equips
i havent been able to do this since the NPC still doesnt react. my theory is that for this u need to do a quest the NPC for trades gives u and it is required to trade with herb town so im still some days away. or it is just bugged who knows.

the most confusion comes with the stats they get after upgrading.
the 1st one and not that common is people asking if u can trade a weap for another type of weapon (for example a 2h emp mace turned into a sw dagger). for i will quote nexon
"Transposition Requirements
A Transposition will require a Lv. 140 to lv. 150 equipment, which will be called to material item, and a Lv. 160 SW equipment of the same type, which will be the result item.

Material Item requirement:
All available upgrade slots must be used. Hammer slots not required if not already applied.
Equipment must be of rare quality or higher.
Must be identified.
Must be Lv. 140 to Lv. 150.
Result Item requirement:
Piece of the SW set.
Must match the equipment type as the material item.
Cannot have been in a successful Transposition previously."

this says that for upgrading u need both ur 140-150 equip with 0 slots, with potential revelead and the 160 SW equip (both have to be the same type of equip) this connat have been upgraded before.

then where most of the confusion is the results of ur 160 equip.

"Transposition Results
Most enhancements will carry over and will even allow the Sweet*water equipment to upgrade beyond what they can achieve normally.
Potential rank will carry over. If your Fafnir weapon was Legendary, A successful Transposition will turn your Sweet*water weapon Legendary.
Number of potential and bonus potential lines will carry over.
Potentials and bonus potentials will reset.
Nebulite will carry over.
Protection scroll will carry over.
All scroll enhancements will carry over. Using Transposition will allow you to apply enhancements past the limit of the Sweet*water pieces if the material item has a higher number of available upgrade slots.
Star enhancements will carry over but will be lowered 1 star. All stats gained from the full star enhancements from the material item will carry over.
Result item will have all enhancements replaced with enhancements on material item.
Material item will be lost on a successful Transposition.
Result item will become untradeable upon a successful Transposition.
Top and Bottom equipment pieces such as the Fafnir pieces cannot be used with Transposition. Only Overalls can be used."

i will resume this and explain why i think it works that way.
1st: the potential rank will be the same but the they will reset. meaning using a unique emp equip will result in a unique SW equip with new stats on it, people are mad about this but it is actually needed since the SW equips belong to the new tier of 160+ equips which gives more stats per line.

2nd: scroll enhacement will carry over, and when they say "allow you to apply enhancements past the limit of the Sweet*water pieces" ill explain this with an easy example
a emp weapon has 8 slots with 2 hammers that 10, if u used a fully scrolled weapon to upgrade you would get a 10 times scrolled SW weap even if normally u could just get 9 scrolls.
this made people beleive that they would keep there available slots in the new weapon but NO! THIS IS SO WRONG. and they said it on the notes: "Result item will have all enhancements replaced with enhancements on material item." that means u will get a 0 slot equip with the same number of hammers applied to the material equip

3rd: star enhacements, this is quite complicated so ill try to be as precise ad simple as i can be.
"Star enhancements will carry over but will be lowered 1 star. All stats gained from the full star enhancements from the material item will carry over."
this means u get the same number of stars in the new equip minus 1 but u get the same stats they gave to the material weapon.
as an example ill use a gun. we have a fully scrolled gun with 150atk and we get it to 3 stars, this gives u a total of 12 atk for the stars. if we upgrade this gun the Sw gun would have: 187atk gun from the scrolls (137+50) plus another 12 atk from the stars making it 199atk but only having 2 stars insted of 3
this was made cus of the increased stats on the SW equips when u get stars on them after scrolling u would get more stats so by giving the same stats but lowering the stars by 1 they compensate for it.

any questions? i know its a long post but even if i were to answer in every post i see them telling that a lot of people would still be confused

December 21, 2013

33 Comments • Newest first


didnt try to do that math, i just did the math with the stats u gave me 298atk fafnir would leave your SW with 310atk

Reply December 22, 2013

[quote=wiiman360]yea, almsot perfect. fafnir gun has 125 atk clean so its a +173atk, making the SW 137+173=310atk, only a miscalculation[/quote]

Uh, I used +9 atk weapon scrolls.

Reply December 22, 2013

[quote=mvietp09]so to make this clear, you scroll an empress to +10, all 8 atk scrolls, = 80 atk, upgrade to sw, 0 slots will be left on the new item?[/quote]

exactly ps2p2s

Reply December 22, 2013

so to make this clear, you scroll an empress to +10, all 8 atk scrolls, = 80 atk, upgrade to sw, 0 slots will be left on the new item?

Reply December 22, 2013

[quote=Typhillion]@turtlebear: the SW weapon will have 8 stars (27) not 24 and it will have 8/15 enhancements, not 0/15.
Everything else is correct.[/quote]

perfect, thanks for clearing that up for me

Reply December 22, 2013

[quote=Anthorix]Revision III I dunno what im doin.
Commerci named stuff has no set effect, Sweet stuff does. Fuses both items into one. Item becomes untradeable. (scissors application unknown)

Transposition Theory ex2.)

*Fafnir Gun +10 *
15 Stars
Legendary Potential
298 atk
Fafnir Set Effect
No upgrade slots available

+ Sweet Gun =

* Sweet Gun +10*
14 Stars (Now you may add more atk)
Legendary Potential (Reset)
312 atk
Sweet Set Effect
No upgrade slots available

yea, almsot perfect. fafnir gun has 125 atk clean so its a +173atk, making the SW 137+173=310atk, only a miscalculation

Reply December 21, 2013

@turtlebear: the SW weapon will have 8 stars (27) not 24 and it will have 8/15 enhancements, not 0/15.
Everything else is correct.

Reply December 21, 2013

Revision III I dunno what im doin.
Commerci named stuff has no set effect, Sweet stuff does. Fuses both items into one. Item becomes untradeable. (scissors application unknown)

Transposition Theory ex2.)

*Fafnir Gun +10 *
15 Stars
Legendary Potential
298 atk
Fafnir Set Effect
No upgrade slots available

+ Sweet Gun =

* Sweet Gun +10*
14 Stars (Now you may add more atk)
Legendary Potential (Reset)
312 atk
Sweet Set Effect
No upgrade slots available


Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=Anthorix]k, thanks.
Commerci named stuff has no set effect, Sweet stuff does. Fuses both items into one. Revision II

Transposition Theory ex1.)

*Empress Gun +10 *
3 Stars
Epic Potential
165 atk
Empress Set Effect
No upgrade slots available

+ Sweet Gun =

* Sweet Gun +10*
2 Stars (Now you may add more atk)
Epic Potential (Reset)
202 atk
Sweet Set Effect
No upgrade slots available


yea thats what i think it works, i still dont know how they do on equips with below/above average stats

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

k, thanks.
Commerci named stuff has no set effect, Sweet stuff does. Fuses both items into one. Revision II

Transposition Theory ex1.)

*Empress Gun +10 *
3 Stars
Epic Potential
165 atk
Empress Set Effect
No upgrade slots available

+ Sweet Gun =

* Sweet Gun +10*
2 Stars (Now you may add more atk)
Epic Potential (Reset)
202 atk
Sweet Set Effect
No upgrade slots available


Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=Anthorix]Thanks for the thread. I wonder if I did anything wrong here.

Commerci named stuff has no set effect, Sweet stuff does.

Transposition Theory ex1.)

*Empress Gun +10 *
3 Stars
Epic Potential
165 atk
Empress Set Effect

+ Sweet Gun =

* Sweet Gun +10*
2 Stars (Now you may add more atk)
Epic Potential (Reset)
165 atk
Sweet Set Effect


not quite, u have almost all right but the atk of the new gun is different:
empress gun clean is 100 atk, making it 100+65 ur described gun. with this the reultant Sweet gun has its base atk 137 plus the 65 from scrolls and stars of the emp, making it 202atk

[quote=turtlebear]ok so let me get this straight..
I have a 217atk dagger. It is+89 with 9stars (Which means it has an equivalent of a 27atk, 3atk per enhance)

So that's:
Original emp dagger attack (128) + Scroll enhancements (62) + 9stars (27) = 217atk

If I transfer to my SW I will have:

SW Base atk (not sure what this is) + Scroll enhancements (62) + 8stars (24) = My new clean SW atk?
And this is with 7(or 8?) slots and 0 enhancements?[/quote]
almost, you have the stars wrong.
1st of all each star doesnt give 3atk. in weapons stars give atk based on current atk being:
0-49: 1atk
50-99: 2atk
100-149: 3atk
150-199: 4atk
200-249: 5atk
and so on, idk if there is a limit though

then in the resultant SW in ur example u would get the 27 atk from stars but just having 8 stars

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=Typhillion]No, you lose the original one.
Its like a "scroll".
Once you use it, it becomes part of the SW equip.[/quote]

ok so let me get this straight..
I have a 217atk dagger. It is+89 with 9stars (Which means it has an equivalent of a 27atk, 3atk per enhance)

So that's:
Original emp dagger attack (128) + Scroll enhancements (62) + 9stars (27) = 217atk

[i]If I transfer to my SW I will have:[/i]

SW Base atk (not sure what this is) + Scroll enhancements (62) + 8stars (24) = My new clean SW atk?
And this is with 7(or 8?) slots and 0 enhancements?

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

Thanks for the thread. I wonder if I did anything wrong here.

Commerci named stuff has no set effect, Sweet stuff does.

Transposition Theory ex1.)

*Empress Gun +10 *
3 Stars
Epic Potential
165 atk
Empress Set Effect
No upgrade slots available

+ Sweet Gun =

* Sweet Gun +10*
2 Stars (Now you may add more atk)
Epic Potential (Reset)
165 atk
Sweet Set Effect
No upgrade slots available


Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=turtlebear]WAIT..... you don't LOSE your lv 140/150 WEAPON when you're transfering the stats over? Basically you have 2 weapons @ the end of the day? Your original one and the sweetener you applied the stats to?[/quote]

No, you lose the original one.
Its like a "scroll".
Once you use it, it becomes part of the SW equip.

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=Typhillion]Would it be safe to assume grosso polpo only drops weapons while livyatan only drops equips (hats, overalls, etc)?
I haven't seen anyone with anything other than a weapon yet.

@Turtlebear: No, you don't have to rescroll it if you don't want to. However, you can scroll your SW equip after its been "upgraded". Your sweet water gets the stats of your katara and gives you a few extra slots + another enhancement scroll; although one of the stars disappears, you get to keep the stats that star gave you. It's just to give you more to scroll. I would personally enhance the level 140/150 equip once and then transfer it, then use the rest on the completed SW equip.

@Darkchaso69: You can't [b]TURN[/b] level 140/150 equips into sweet water, [b]however[/b] you [b]CAN[/b] transfer their stats to a SW weapon once you get one from fighting one of the bosses.[/quote]

WAIT..... you don't LOSE your lv 140/150 WEAPON when you're transfering the stats over? Basically you have 2 weapons @ the end of the day? Your original one and the sweetener you applied the stats to?

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=Mrmangof]Can you reiterate this for me -- I don't understand what you wrote here. I think there are some grammatical/spelling mistake which is confusing me.

"to get the clean versions, tradable until equiped, you need to kill grosso polpo or livyatan. this are bosses in the trade system which u can eneter by 'maestra fiametta' on the first house is commerci. you get 100 energy per day which is used for the trades. the trades are:"[/quote]

There're versions of the Sweet Water equips you can get from fighting bosses on the Commerci Trade Quest.
They're tradable until equipped, but once you upgrade them with your level 140/150 equips, they'll be untradable forever.

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=Typhillion]Would it be safe to assume grosso polpo only drops weapons while livyatan only drops equips (hats, overalls, etc)?
I haven't seen anyone with anything other than a weapon yet.[/quote]
no, i got an overall from grosso. perhaps its because no one wants to sell/trade the equips since they are common and needed to upgrade. but for weapons u need exactly the weapon that u will upgrade

[quote=mrmangof]Can you reiterate this for me -- I don't understand what you wrote here. I think there are some grammatical/spelling mistake which is confusing me.

"to get the clean versions, tradable until equiped, you need to kill grosso polpo or livyatan. this are bosses in the trade system which u can eneter by 'maestra fiametta' on the first house is commerci. you get 100 energy per day which is used for the trades. the trades are:"[/quote]
yea had some typos and errors, jsut fixed it, hopefuly u understand now

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

Can you reiterate this for me -- I don't understand what you wrote here. I think there are some grammatical/spelling mistake which is confusing me.

"to get the clean versions, tradable until equiped, you need to kill grosso polpo or livyatan. this are bosses in the trade system which u can eneter by 'maestra fiametta' on the first house is commerci. you get 100 energy per day which is used for the trades. the trades are:"

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

Would it be safe to assume grosso polpo only drops weapons while livyatan only drops equips (hats, overalls, etc)?
I haven't seen anyone with anything other than a weapon yet.

@Turtlebear: No, you don't have to rescroll it if you don't want to. However, you can scroll your SW equip after its been "upgraded". Your sweet water gets the stats of your katara and gives you a few extra slots + another enhancement scroll; although one of the stars disappears, you get to keep the stats that star gave you. It's just to give you more to scroll. I would personally enhance the level 140/150 equip once and then transfer it, then use the rest on the completed SW equip.

@Darkchaso69: You can't [b]TURN[/b] level 140/150 equips into sweet water, [b]however[/b] you [b]CAN[/b] transfer their stats to a SW weapon once you get one from fighting one of the bosses.

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=darkchaso69]So i can turn the 140 zero set into sweet water?[/quote]
i asume, since they only state "from any Lv. 140-150 equipment "

[quote=msgm]Very good guide, but can you help me get to Commerci? I've accepted some quests but I have no idea how to get there.. [/quote]
oh yea i was thinking of saying this but i forgot. u need to have done the tryenium quests to get to commerci, as far as i know u need to complete until the one that asks for 100 memory shards (just 1 before completing the gollux prequests). apparently if u havent done them u can accept the quest and get teleported to ereve but then u should be teleported to tyrenium but since u havent done the prequests u cant enter that map

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

Very good guide, but can you help me get to Commerci? I've accepted some quests but I have no idea how to get there..

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=phizoHD]so if i have a perfect scrolled katara and transfer the results into the sweet water it wont just be the enhancments that the sweet water weapon gets?[/quote]

I wanna know if this is true. I have a 230+ atk emp dagger (+9stars) and I don't want to rescroll it if I were to upgrade it to a SW. If it's just the potential that I have to recube, then it would be more worth it.

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

Seems like based on this, it's not really worth Transposing Fafnir equips, using a empress would be 10x cheaper, but losing at most like 6-10 attack in the process if compared as 15 enhanced weps

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=kenny777777]If you equip an emp or RA, it gives you charm. But SW equips don't give you charm when you equip it like tempest rings. So I'm pretty sure they're untradeable upon equip.[/quote]

thats is something i didnt consider and makes sense. thnx

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

So i can turn the 140 zero set into sweet water?

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

If you equip an emp or RA, it gives you charm. But SW equips don't give you charm when you equip it like tempest rings. So I'm pretty sure they're untradeable upon equip.

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=phizoHD]so if i have a perfect scrolled katara and transfer the results into the sweet water it wont just be the enhancments that the sweet water weapon gets?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure the sweet water equip will have its base stats + a certain (unconfirmed) % of your perfected weapon's stats. I wouldn't guess they'd give full stats because the SW equips have ~200 base attack to begin with.

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=souevks]sweet water equip has 30% boss and 10% ignore defense, so essentially, a perfected empress wep and a perfected fafnir equip, will result in the same stats after Transposition ?[/quote]
pretty much yeah, only from fafnir would have a little more atk since fafnir has better base stats so with good scrolling and enh it can get to 200 atk and still be able to enh to get 5atk per star, but its just 1-5 atk depending on scrolls used and stars

[quote=phizoHD]so if i have a perfect scrolled katara and transfer the results into the sweet water it wont just be the enhancments that the sweet water weapon gets?[/quote]
by "scroll enhacements" nexon means both normal scrolls and the stars, and u get the same potential rank and lines on the SW one

[quote=aPhoenix]Thanks a lot! Where did you get information on the other voyages (past Rosa)?[/quote]
in the trade map theres an arrow on the upper right corner, click it

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

[quote=phizoHD]so if i have a perfect scrolled katara and transfer the results into the sweet water it wont just be the enhancments that the sweet water weapon gets?[/quote]

base attack of sweet water katara + the attack gained from the scrolls you used on the previous katara + the enhancement attack provided by the stars - 1 star
= the attack of your new katara

at least, that's how i understand it

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

so if i have a perfect scrolled katara and transfer the results into the sweet water it wont just be the enhancments that the sweet water weapon gets?

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

sweet water equip has 30% boss and 10% ignore defense, so essentially, a perfected empress wep and a perfected fafnir equip, will result in the same stats after Transposition ?

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited

well done sir, beautifully explained, i would like this thread if mr. b fixed the option already
job well done

Reply December 21, 2013 - edited