
Nercomancer class fan made

I was sooo bored so i decided to come up with a class that has been in so many other games.Ive always loved the nercomancer class i find it awesome
but thats just me.I decided to make it a unique game playstyle for maple.Im expecting a lot of you to possibly not like it but if you do then thats cool =D

Playstyle:once you have killed a monster you desire,you can bring it back and make it your main monster.
this monster no matter the level from 1~200 restarts back to 1.This tamed monster has its own skill book,which allows
you to choose his skills to make him unique from all other monsters.As your monster grows along with you his apperience will
change color.Of course as soon as you tame a monster he becomes discolored.You control the monster by using the numberpad
on the far right.up to 9 slots of skills can be put into it.You must control your tamed monsters skills via the pad.

Your main chars playstyle:His skills are passive and he has spells which help the monster become stronger,faster,etc.Nercomancers
also use curses to help itself or cause damage to monsters

Example of skills:

4th job

Dark Resurrectionark resurrection revives a player at the cost of linking ones hp and mp to the revived char.The dead player
is able to move about freely with his/her own hp/mp but the nercomancer also takes a hit to his/her hp/mp.The player revived
also becomes discolored.

P.s i didnt fully work on the 1st and 2nd job cause i thought just the overview would sound good.Ive also added a picture which isnt much but an example just for zee eyes.

April 5, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=LolzTummz]people running around with zakum, horntail, cygnus, etc. Sounds fun to me <3[/quote]
should of put bosses excluded haha theres plenty of monsters people can run around with xD

Reply April 5, 2012

anymore what >?

Reply April 5, 2012