
Kinesis strengths and weaknesses?

I made one of course, but I'm wanting others thoughts and opinions. Where do you guys think Kineses excels or lacks? Wanting to see if they are really worth continuing. Since I'm lagging a bit due to their release, I might not have a full view

December 17, 2015

21 Comments • Newest first


It's boring to use the 2nd skill until you reach lvl. 250

Reply December 18, 2015

I have to disagree with those saying Kinesis is mediocre at bossing. I believe Kinesis is one of the decent bossing classes in the game, CERTAINLY not the best, but the ability to use Ultimate BPM and Psychic Grab both at the same time means you can deal tons of damage at once. BPM is very hard to cap on, Psychic grab is VERY easy to cap on. So while you may not hit damage cap with BPM, the amount of damage done per second is very decent, I can kill Czak so fast and am very happy with the class. I have tried many classes and I find Kinesis to be the most fun! I'm still working on mine, haven't yet done Gollux but if you wanna buddy me in Scania feel free IGN Fringe.

Reply December 18, 2015

@fradddd: I ohko everything i've encountered with the 2nd job skill, even up to lv 100... if you're not at that point you have bigger issues to deal with

Reply December 18, 2015

@mrsindeath19 so what am I supposed to do. Use weak 2nd job attacks?

Reply December 18, 2015

Tbh i like Kinesis i dont mind him being Nerfed either i do really enjoy this class great mobbing and i like his story line too its pretty interesting and i think throwing trains is just awesome xD

Reply December 18, 2015

@fradddd: You're doing something wrong. From lv 60 and above I've been able to completely clear the drakes map between every spawn. Don't use the Psychic grab unless you're basically fighting 2-3 super powerful things.

Reply December 18, 2015

@chaosh: Eh, still. Personally, Kinesis' gameplay kinda gets clunky once he hits 3rd job. I highly doubt the vast majority of players will jump ship to Kinesis and main him.

Reply December 18, 2015

@wolfexe: 'at any rate Kinesis excels at mobbing and is not the best, certainly not the best out of the mages at least, at bossing.'

reading is what? fundamental.

Reply December 17, 2015

@momijii: You have added nothing and stooped down to personal attacks. Get out of my thread.

Reply December 17, 2015

@wolfexe: idk, is playing a class because YOU like it and not others a hard concept for you to grasp? (probably.)

at any rate Kinesis excels at mobbing and is not the best, certainly not the best out of mages at least, at bossing.

Reply December 17, 2015

@fradddd: Forth job, yes, mostly. The two main skills, psychic clutch and ultimate BPM can both be used in air. Ultimate BPM is a toggle.

Reply December 17, 2015

So is Kenesis going to be getting a big nerf?

Reply December 17, 2015

@krishman if you can't use skills in midair, then teleport is way more useful. Can you use all 4th job skills in midair?

Reply December 17, 2015

I enjoyed training my Kinesis. the first job fees awkward as hell but it picks up around 2 job for me. kinda like luminous haha

Reply December 17, 2015

@chaosh: We actually got that version of kinesis (the one you linked to) so we already got the balanced version.

I for one am quite happy with kinesis, I am swapping from lumi to kinesis.

@fradddd: you just have to use basic attacks to keep your PP up, you get a hyper later on that lets psychic grab/clutch gain 2 PP on bosses which keeps ultimate BPM up and you get another hyper that lets you half the PP needed for ultimates (minus BPM) for a limited time.

Some classes arent for all people. I like it, I LOVE that it has a up flash jump, the thing i hated about lumi was the delay between teleports and with flash jump that delay is really reduced. or maybe im just not noticing it as much.

Reply December 17, 2015

@chaosh meh, mobbing is only alright. I'm only 3rd job...the train SEEMS like it's good at mobbing, but I think it only hits 5 mobs at once, and if you wanna keep up your PP (lol why is that what it's called) you gotta try to plant the draining thing in the right place, AND keep hitting another group of monsters. And the fact that you're forced to flash jump everywhere instead of teleport makes that kinda difficult too. And, every time I used Psychic Grab or whatever it's called, I seem to only be killing like three mobs.

I rarely get the multi-kills using any of the skills except the first job ultimate, because most of the range is vertical, or is shorter than the freakin' animation.

Gotta get to 4th!

Reply December 17, 2015

@chaosh: actually, the listed skills from that link look to be the same as on the class

Reply December 17, 2015

From what I can tell and have researched, Kinesis excels at mobbing has mediocre damage at bossing. The main selling point of Kinesis is his theme, however, Luminous is indeed a god in terms of mobbing (and notoriously awkward to boss with as well), but while Luminous is repetitive and boring, Kinesis offers a large selection of unique skills. Also, while this is irrelevant for most players, while he lacks raw damage, it does seem like his hits per second is amazingly high, so he would be a good class when hitting the damage cap, but we shall see.

@voidwreck: [url=]They're actually getting buffed quite a lot[/url]. Of course that means they are actually fairly underpowered right now, but that doesn't seem to have stopped the hype.

Reply December 17, 2015

@silverfoxr: Do you have information regarding the question of the thread?

If yes: Post it
If no: Don't post
Is that so difficult a concept to get?

Reply December 17, 2015

Do you enjoy playing Kinesis?

If yes: Keep playing
If no: Stop playing

Is that so difficult a concept to get?

Reply December 17, 2015

Just like every other new class, they will eventually get nerfed to the ground. As for me, I will only be making one for the link skill. Quitting my Kinesis as soon as I get him to 120.

Reply December 17, 2015