x1mmortality #Thief Talk

General Thief

Price Check please No one would price check this in the general section so let's try this again...... Raven Horn Overall - 8Atk, 30 Dex, 30 Luk, 6% Luk, 1%Luk Neb, +12 Dex 2 lined Epic. 8 slots left, no hammers. Raven Horn Hat - 8Atk, 23Luk, 30Dex, 3%Luk, 1%Luk Neb, 3 lined Rare. 3 slots left, 2 hammers. Raven Horn Cape - 10Luk, 7Dex, 6%All Stats, 1%Luk Neb, 2 lined Epic, 1 slot left, no hammers. I'm selling these in Scania so prices from Scania would be most helpful. I'm also looking for Warrior Empress equips.