xmaplelegend #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Kms 1.2.245 Job Balancing, Shadow Partner damage formula In the latest job balancing which I believe NL got shafted again in terms of balancing them. One of the changes is that Shadow Partner damage output method when using stars skills has changed. Does anyone know what the new damage output formula is? Previous it just copies 70% of your normal damage. Does it now do 70% attack on its own or something else? Is the new formula a buff or a nerf. It is kind of surprising only NL's got this new damage output formula, instead of DB and Shadower getting it too.

General Nightlord

Night Lord Changes Yo guys. So NL recently got a few changes in the latest KMST patch which I believe would be very sweet for all of us. Now before this patch, the most NL can hit for 1 vs 1 (excluding DOT, Night Lord Mark, potential etc) is 425mil (5 x 50mil + 5 x 35mil). Now after this patch, it is going to be 50mil x 10 = 500mil So tasty But WAIT, there's more. Bleeding Dart is a skill which has been changed so many times, is getting a juicy buff. Now the duration has gone up to 90 seconds, so effectively speaking, it pretty much is a buff we can always used (excluding if we get debuffed) Also Bleeding Dart now increases our maximum damage by 20% So now we will be able to hit 60mil X 10 = 600mil, mhmmmmmmm Such a yummy buff right comrade