
Maplestory Training from level 1-70

Training Guide Post Big Bang
LEVEL 1-70
Well first of all, Maplestory recently went through a huge changing, changing the monsters, towns, drop/exp rates, etc

THE ACCURACY FORMULA FOR BIG BANG CHANGED, if you're the same level you'll hit the monsters--if you are not the same level then you won't hit 100%.
I'll give 1-3 of these symbols, 1 being the lowest, 3 being the highest
^=Drop RATE

Level 1-10 is basically just do the quests given to you, and you'll reach level 10

Level 11-12
Do the "hunting quests" that your job instructor gives you and you'll reach level 12.
Octopus (Level 12, 21), $,%%,^^
Note: What I recommend for Octopus is to have a good mobbing attack, and to have lots of potions

Level 13-20
Blue Ribbon Pigs (Level 13, 23), $$,%%%,^^^

Note: This is the most favorable training place Post BB, because this place is a flat map that spawns 15-20 every spawn. . You don't need to buy any potions, because on average they drop orange/blue potions every 1-2kills

Recommend: I highly recommend you staying in the middle to the left side, because most of the spawn is on that side. Brawlers and Warriors and classes that are able to jump/shoot are highly recommended.

Level 21-23
Golems (Level 20, 35), $,%%,^

Note: Golems are a favorable place to train only if you are ranged, not close-combatters. Why you may ask? It's because this place involves LOTS of jumping and going up ropes, and therefore ranged/bunny hoppers can easily kill them rather than a warrior taking 20 seconds to get up there.

Level 24-30
Mixed Golems, (Level 26, 47), $$,%%%,^^^

Note: When you go to the mixed golems map, I recommend you going to the mini-dungeon Nexon has provided for us. The mini-dungeon is next to the Bowman Job Instructor--There's a portal to the left of her. There are 4 platforms, 1st level having around 3 golems, 2nd level having around 4-5 golems, 3rd level having around 4-5 golems, and bottom having close to 8-9 golems. On the right side, there are floating rocks which enable you to go to the top without getting any hit damage. The thing is that you need at least 120% Jump to jump to those rocks

Recommend: This place I recommend mobbers, such as Battle Mages, Brawlers, Warriors, etc. I recommend when you attack go on the steps between the 2nd and 3rd level in the very middle to attack both the 2nd and 3rd level mobs. Also, if you are low on potions, I recommend you having speed/jump potions in order to get onto the floating rocks provided by Nexon

Alternate Level 20-30
Rotting Skeletons, (Level 20, 74), $,%%%,^

Note: Rotting Skeletons are in NLC in the haunted mansion. They aren't nerfed YET, but they most likely will be one day. This map has 5 platforms, where the Skeletons spawn. I recommend you having close to 400 potions for mp, and 400 potions for HP. This monster doesn't drop potions every monster, but they do drop potions every 20-30 monster...

Recommend: This place I recommend having at least 130% Speed (Bathrobe/Speed pill), or being a pirate with dash. I also recommend bunny hoppers/ranged people. I go in this order whenever I train there--Middle, top 2 levels, jump to the left middle, then bottom, REPEAT.

Level 31-35

Mushroom Kingdom Quests, $$$,%%%,^^^

Renegade Spores (Level 30, 72), $,%%%,^^^
Note: You need 100 of these spores for the quests in this map

Poison Mushroom (Level 31, 76), $$$,%%%,^^^
Note: You need 30 of it's drops to finish a quest

Intoxicated Pigs (Level 32, 81), $,%%%,^^
Note: You need 30 of it's drops to finish a quest

Helmet Pepe (Level 33, 83), $$$,%%%,^^^
Note: You need 30 of it's drops to finish a quest

Royal Guard Pepe (Level 34, 90), $$$,%%%,^^^
Note: You need 30 of it's drops to finish a quest

Note on Mushroom Kingdom Quests: I highly recommend you train here until 35 because it's good exp, and you can get a 1 attack glove, and a 2 all stat +100 hp/mp medal from the king if you finish everything. I also recommend you doing the party quest inside Mushroom Kingdom to get your job items, because they are all level 35 items with the strength of level 40 items.

Level 36-50

Note: Carnival Party Quest, also known as CPQ, is a team vs team battle in seeing who can kill the most monsters in 10 minutes. From level 36-40 people coined the new term, "Trojan/Rombot Grinding", which is to get "Maxed Trojans", and "Speed Up". Trojans give you around 83 exp, Rombots gives you around 150-200 exp, and there is around 13 trojans/rombots, and 2 robos every spawn.

Recommend: A mobber with a very good DPM, that can attack at least 3 mobbers. Also I recommend having around 120%+ speed in order to get from the most left side to the most right side.

Level 51-60
Dead Scarecrows (Level 50, 220) $,%%%,^^

Note: This map is above Dead Skeletons (Level 20, 74). This monster also doesn't drop potions that frequently, around 20-30 monsters for 1 potion.

Recommend: I recommend you having lots of potions in order for you to not leave your map, and have other people come in to take over the map. This place looks exactly like the Dead Scarecrows map. I recommend you being an efficient ranged mobber such as a Gunslinger or a Cleric with maxed heal. I also recommend someone with at least 120% speed, or teleport.

Level 61-65
Robos (Level 61, 204) (Level 63, 222) $$,%%%,^^

Note: This map is very hard to go around unless you're getting 130%+ speed. This map is in Ludibrium.

Recommend: I recommend you having lots of potions, and being a good 1v1 and mobber.

Level 66-70
Twisted Jesters (Level 70, 1325) $$,%%%,^^

Note: This map is right above the Dead Scarecrows map. This monster also doesn't drop to many potions.

Recommend: I recommend you finding a map with a party willing to accept you. The party I recommend having at least one Dual Blader that can rush the bottom, a priest with a high level Holy Symbol, and a Bowman with Arrow Rain. I recommend you having lots of mana potions, and being close to the priest to get the full benefits of the heal/holy symbol.

MrChiko for telling me the places to train on
This is the end of my guide, and please tell me what I should put in, what I should do, etc.

December 31, 2010

1 Comment • Newest first


rowdy puppets
from the quest in edel mine

Reply December 31, 2010