

Mixed Emotions right now.

So Iv'e had this friend for about 4 years now and were pretty close we talk all the time and i have feelings for her. she see's me as her best friend and i just have a hard time excepting that. As much as i like her she probably does not like me the way I do which makes me question if i should still be hanging/talking to her. If i continue to hang with her and talk to her when she's with some other guy i get Instantly jealous and get pretty mad which makes her feel like she's doing something wrong. I sat in my room for a while this morning and said maybe i should stop hanging with her to keep from getting hurt, because the more i hang with her the more feeling i grow and as i continue to grow those feelings we'll still be in the same friend stage. Im lost and don't know what to do. should I continue to hang with this girl or leave?

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October 30, 2010

1 Comment • Newest first


Ask her out man. I was in the same situation as you.

I thought she only thought of me as a friend, turned out she actually did like me.

Now on Monday im meet up with her to confess.

Reply October 30, 2010