

123tonyni #Updates Talk

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Random Crashes Recently I been getting this hackshield error saying: "HackShield Error: 0x00010303(66307) Change Occurred in system time by speed hack-related program. Please send the detailed information through AhnReport" First of all I don't use speed hack or even hack. I play normal. I'm wondering if it has to do with my class. I play a Kaiser. Wonder if anyone can help. Here is a image of the error: 1). I crash (When I crash there are no lag at all. It just crashes) 2) Message

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Kanna Patch Or Is It Me? Hey ever body! I am not sure if somebody else post this before but still thank for reading it. Well I never had this problem before but starting last night after my kanna patch I start to get a Error message saying that I need to check my firewall or internet connection. At first I was like o..ok? So I checked my firewall like they said and my internet connection. Nothing was wrong it was all good. So I try to press play again. And once again it happens. So I did it a few more time and it didn't work so I decide that it might work the next day. So here I am pressing play but it still didn't work. I did it like 4 times but still it didn't work. So I decide to post it to see if this is a problem for other people or ju