1337Mastz0r #Gms Talk

General Gms

dude, cc: A Thread About Children Playing In Traffic This is a thread about my experience surfing various channels in Broa looking for a decent platform without two to three of the Dexless Assassin's successor, the Dual Blade -- and [b]I HAD BALLS.[/b] These are real scenarios and real IGNs, as well as real phrases used from the good of a child's heart. Though not all of the channels were flooded with five to six Dual Blades kill stealing eachother for a platform, all other classes were not able to deplete an HP bar or even spawn onto a channel without being bombarded by some jackass without patience. The slightest walking through to the next map will get you the same phrase: CC PLZ. Not to mention an 8 stab attack with the occasional whopp