

2Samuel #General Talk


Moments like these make me want to facepalm myself During the time that I was training at himes, I got a drop: orange stars. I looked at it in my Use while I was re-potting and thought to myself, "Hrm, what's this? Oh wow, it adds 20ATT?" I clicked on it like it was an onyx apple. Nothing happened. I figured it was a glitch and dropped it. Later, I got another pair of orange stars. I clicked on them again thinking, [b]"20+ ATT, here I come!"[/b] I finally figured out that they were [i]throwing stars[/i] and was incredibly embarrassed at my own stupidity. Another really stupid moment I had was, [b]"I wonder what boomerang step is..."[/b] This was right after I advanced to a Shad o.o 5 years of playing this game.


I thought I got banned for billing. Nope, it's a legit ban. [url=http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/christianazn93/legitban.jpg]Not billing, harassment.[/url] I think it was the smegas. I wonder which one made Nexon mad. [url=http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/christianazn93/Maple0004-1.jpg]This one?[/url] [url=http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/christianazn93/Maple0007-1.jpg]Or this one?[/url] [url=http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/christianazn93/failsmegawar-1.jpg]I even declined a smega war on Sunday though :([/url] So yeah see you on Monday, Khaini =D Unless they extend my ban. Which they might. I sent them an angry e-mail last night because I thought I got banned unjustly.


Just one P/C and other stuff I intended to blow up my Broken Glasses on Sunday so I would have an excuse to buy specs, but the potential worked. Thus, I cubed it 7 times until I got this (isn't great at all, but I refuse to keep going): P/C please? In addition, Onlykirbyx in Varsity got his HB pants scammed by HypedSlash. He does not have the pants name tagged, but he's not the sort of person who would lie about getting duped. I wanted to help, so I smega'd. Apparently, my alliance members like to make fun of me: "terrible smega?" Lol. I hope Kirby gets his pants back. I still don't understand why people scam- it is the same thing as stealing. I think of it this way: if you're not going to take someone's pants irl, why would you t


I want to facedesk when this happens. Sometimes when I am chatting with a friend face-to-face or on buddy/guild/alliance chat, a person stops by and acknowledges me. They say something like, "Oh hey! I saw you on basil!" or "I heard ---- talking about you." Usually, I'm so busy talking to my friend that I don't notice until 2-3 minutes later. By the time I stop and say "Hello," they either cc'd or disappeared ._. I feel really bad when this happens. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Quick 'hello' to Hallowean, I meant to say hi, sorry :(


How much NX do you spend a week? A month? I used to spend like $10 a week. Now I buy $30-$40 worth of NX every week. I bought about 60 dollars worth last week ._. I feel really guilty because I don't even have a job and it's my parents' money. I'm thinking of getting a job soon just to support my NX addiction. And no, I do not spend it all on cosmetics/clothes. I spend most of it on 2x cards, cubes, and MTS. How about you guys? :O -edit- Darn, should've made this a poll. -2nd edit- Very surprised to see that 80% of basilmarket users do not purchase NX.


Why does everyone turn a blind eye? I made this thread to let everyone know, or to remind them, that HypedSlash is a scammer and refuses to recognize his mistake. A few people already know that he scammed Onlykirbyx's HB pants, but I feel like more people should know. Anyone who sees HypedSlash, please ks/defame him. I whispered him and tried to be courteous, but all I got from him was a reply like this: [b]"Apparently, Nexon's gunna ban me now. So I guess we all lose."[/b] Good riddance; too bad you still have a former alliance member's pants. [url=http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/christianazn93/Maple0005-2.jpg]Kirby's explanation 1[/url] [url=http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/christianazn93/Maple0006-1.jpg]2[/ur


I thought Khainian GMs had KHA in their name? So why the schnitzel does he think I'm one? [url=http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/christianazn93/Maple0001-4.jpg]Well, to each his own.[/url] And then... [url=http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/christianazn93/Maple0002-3.jpg]He offered me some goods.[/url] And no, I didn't take them. He demanded that I delete someone off of my BL, so I did. We are zee best of friends now. It was an odd day today o.o Just wanted to share this with everyone. It gave me a good chuckle. :)


I can honestly say I love Nexon. A year ago, I lost my e-mail to my account in Bera. Even though I only had a lvl 55 sin, a lvl 46 aran, and lvl 40 nw, I had that account for 2 years and a lot of good memories on it. I was heartbroken. Then one day, I received an e-mail from Nexon. I filled out the form and faxed it in via my local grocery store. [b]I got my account back.[/b] The original 1Samuel. :) [b]The e-mail:[/b] Greetings, We are pleased to inform you that your email address change has been successful. Thank you for your patience while we processed your request. If you have any questions or concerns about your email address change, please submit a ticket detailing your issue at the address below: www.nexon.net Sincerely, GM Untamori