
Hero Revamp Idea

This is the first of a bigger idea, but I want your comments before I do the rest. The idea is an attempt to scale down the damage, for example, all %damage is planned to be halved, because frankly, the high numbers are unnecessary. So you may notice that the damage for attacks are halved. The damage range formula also changes; it is based on base attack, and multiplied by the weapon multiplier to give the base damage range. This brings numbers down to size similar to what we've seen pre-BB, and all damage is not altered, except just scaled. The other purpose to this revamp is to allow players more flexibility with their classes. Each class has the ability to choose between tank, specialist and support, and can mix and match between them. But anyways, comment your thoughts on the skill ideas. Do they appeal to you?

- Physical Training and equivalent skills are removed for all classes.

Mastery: Level 40
Level 20: (Lv.30-50)
Every level +2% Mastery, +5 Accuracy.
Level 40: (Lv.100-120)
Every level +1% Mastery.

+1 SP each level.

Damage Range:
%Mastery ~ Base Att * Weapon multiplier
Ex: 208 Att * Spear 1.49 = 155~310

X% damage taken ignored = Defense * 0.01
Maxed at 90% (9000 Defense)

X% chance to ignore enemy evasion = Accuracy * 0.02
Maxed at 90% (4500 Accuracy)

X% evasion rate = Avoidability * 0.02
Maxed at 40% (2000 Avoidability)

- All dungeons and level-specific areas are now open to all players to explore at any level.

Build: Level 1 (autolevel)
Brings up Build UI. Place skills in each row for their effects.
Row 1: Tank
Row 2: Specialist
Row 3: Support

HP Boost: Level 20 (maxed at Lv.30)
Every level +1% Max HP, +1 Max HP per character level.

Iron Body: Level 5
Tank: (Buff)
1: 100 seconds, -2% damage taken, +50 DEF.
2: 150 seconds, -4% damage taken, +100 DEF.
3: 200 seconds, -6% damage taken, +150 DEF.
4: 250 seconds, -8% damage taken, +200 DEF.
5: 300 seconds, -10% damage taken, +250 DEF.
Specialist: (On/Off)
1: Speed +2, Jump +2, Passive: Max Speed +2
2: Speed +4, Jump +4, Passive: Max Speed +4
3: Speed +6, Jump +6, Passive: Max Speed +6
4: Speed +8, Jump +8, Passive: Max Speed +8
5: Speed +10, Jump +10, Passive: Max Speed +10
Support: (Party)
1: 100 seconds, -1% damage taken, +1% DEF, +50 DEF.
2: 150 seconds, -2% damage taken, +2% DEF, +100 DEF.
3: 200 seconds, -3% damage taken, +3% DEF, +150 DEF.
4: 250 seconds, -4% damage taken, +4% DEF, +200 DEF.
5: 300 seconds, -5% damage taken, +5% DEF, +250 DEF.

Power Slash: Level 5
Tank: (Slash Blast)
1: 80% on 6 mobs.
2: 100% on 6 mobs.
3: 110% on 6 mobs.
4: 125% on 6 mobs.
5: 150% on 6 mobs.
Specialist: (Original Slash Blast)
1: 80% on 6 mobs.
2: 100% on 6 mobs.
3: 110% on 6 mobs.
4: 125% on 6 mobs.
5: 150% on 6 mobs.
Support: (Power Strike)
1: 100% on 3 mobs, -20% DEF, -10% Att.
2: 110% on 3 mobs, -20% DEF, -10% Att.
3: 125% on 3 mobs, -20% DEF, -10% Att.
4: 150% on 3 mobs, -20% DEF, -10% Att.
5: 175% on 3 mobs, -20% DEF, -10% Att.

Maneuver: Level 5
Tank: (Combat Step)
Specialist: (Flash Jump)
Support: (Rush)

Power Stance: Level 5
1: 100 seconds, 10% chance
2: 200 seconds, 20% chance
3: 300 seconds, 30% chance
4: 400 seconds, 40% chance
5: 500 seconds, 50% chance

Weapon Mastery: Level 30
Every level +2% Mastery, +5 Acc.
Level 1-20: Lv.30-50.
Level 21-30: Lv.100-140 (every 4 levels).

Brandish: Level 5
1: 80%x2 on 4 mobs.
2: 85%x2 on 4 mobs.
3: 90%x2 on 4 mobs.
4: 100%x2 on 4 mobs.
5: 110%x2 on 4 mobs.

Combo Attack: Level 5
Tank: Red (On/Off)
Specialist: Blue (On/Off)
Support: Green (On/Off)
1: 40%, combo count 1.
2: 40%, combo count 2.
3: 40%, combo count 3.
4: 40%, combo count 4.
5: 40%, combo count 5.

Combo Fury: Level 5
Tank: (Combo Fury)
1: Combo -1, 70%x2 on 8 mobs.
2: Combo -1, 75%x2 on 8 mobs.
3: Combo -1, 80%x2 on 8 mobs.
4: Combo -1, 85%x2 on 8 mobs.
5: Combo -1, 90%x2 on 8 mobs.
Specialist: (Combo Fury)
1: Combo -1, 45%x2 on 8 mobs, 10% chance to stun.
2: Combo -1, 50%x2 on 8 mobs, 15% chance to stun.
3: Combo -1, 55%x2 on 8 mobs, 20% chance to stun.
4: Combo -1, 65%x2 on 8 mobs, 25% chance to stun.
5: Combo -1, 70%x2 on 8 mobs, 30% chance to stun.
Support: (Monster Magnet)
1: 175% on full charge, 40% chance to stun.
2: 190% on full charge, 50% chance to stun.
3: 205% on full charge, 60% chance to stun.
4: 225% on full charge, 70% chance to stun.
5: 250% on full charge, 80% chance to stun.

Weapon Booster: Level 5
1: 25 seconds.
2: 50 seconds.
3: 100 seconds.
4: 150 seconds.
5: 200 seconds.

Rage: Level 5
Tank: (Rage, Party)
1: 25 seconds, Att +6.
2: 50 seconds, Att +12.
3: 100 seconds, Att +18.
4: 150 seconds, Att +24.
5: 200 seconds, Att +30.
Specialist: (Mix, Party)
1: 25 seconds, Att +3, Absorb 3%, Reflect 30%.
2: 50 seconds, Att +6, Absorb 6%, Reflect 60%.
3: 100 seconds, Att +9, Absorb 9%, Reflect 90%.
4: 150 seconds, Att +12, Absorb 12%, Reflect 120%.
5: 200 seconds, Att +15, Absorb 15%, Reflect 150%.
Support: (Power Reflection, Party)
1: 25 seconds, Absorb 6%, Reflect 100%.
2: 50 seconds, Absorb 12%, Reflect 200%.
3: 100 seconds, Absorb 18%, Reflect 300%.
4: 150 seconds, Absorb 24%, Reflect 400%.
5: 200 seconds, Absorb 30%, Reflect 500%.

Final Attack: Level 5
1: 20% chance, 15% damage.
2: 25% chance, 30% damage.
3: 30% chance, 45% damage.
4: 35% chance, 60% damage.
5: 40% chance, 75% damage.

Enhanced Basics: Level 5
Tank: Red coloured skills (On/Off)
1: +30% damage.
2: +40% damage.
3: +50% damage.
4: +60% damage.
5: +70% damage.
Specialist: Blue coloured skills (On/Off)
1: +20% damage, 20% chance for second swing with +50% damage.
2: +25% damage, 30% chance for second swing with +60% damage.
3: +30% damage, 40% chance for second swing with +70% damage.
4: +35% damage, 50% chance for second swing with +80% damage.
5: +40% damage, 60% chance for second swing with +90% damage.
Support: Green coloured skills (On/Off)
1: +10% damage, 10% chance to stun.
2: +20% damage, 20% chance to stun.
3: +30% damage, 30% chance to stun.
4: +40% damage, 40% chance to stun.
5: +50% damage, 50% chance to stun.

Ground Smash: Level 5
1: 170% on 6 mobs.
2: 190% on 6 mobs.
3: 210% on 6 mobs.
4: 230% on 6 mobs.
5: 240% on 6 mobs.

Combo Synergy: Level 5
1: Att +1% each orb, 50% chance.
2: Att +2% each orb, 60% chance.
3: Att +3% each orb, 70% chance.
4: Att +4% each orb, 75% chance.
5: Att +5% each orb, 80% chance.
1: Att +1% each orb, +100 Acc each orb.
2: Att +1% each orb, +150 Acc each orb.
3: Att +1% each orb, +200 Acc each orb.
4: Att +2% each orb, +250 Acc each orb.
5: Att +2% each orb, +300 Acc each orb.
1: When hit, -1 orb, -10% damage when hit.
2: When hit, -1 orb, -15% damage when hit.
3: When hit, -1 orb, -20% damage when hit.
4: When hit, -1 orb, -25% damage when hit.
5: When hit, -1 orb, -30% damage when hit.

Intrepid Slash: Level 5
1: 90%x3 on 5 mobs.
2: 100%x3 on 5 mobs.
3: 110%x3 on 5 mobs.
4: 120%x3 on 5 mobs.
5: 130%x3 on 5 mobs.

Rush: Level 5
1: 140% on 12 mobs.
2: 150% on 12 mobs.
3: 160% on 12 mobs.
4: 170% on 12 mobs.
5: 180% on 12 mobs.

Shout: Level 5
1: 180% on 10 mobs.
2: 190% on 10 mobs.
3: 200% on 10 mobs.
4: 210% on 10 mobs.
5: 220% on 10 mobs.
1: 140% on 10 mobs, 15% chance to stun.
2: 150% on 10 mobs, 35% chance to stun.
3: 160% on 10 mobs, 55% chance to stun.
4: 170% on 10 mobs, 75% chance to stun.
5: 180% on 10 mobs, 95% chance to stun.
1: 90% on 10 mobs, 10% chance to stun, -10% DEF/M.DEF, -10% Avoid.
2: 100% on 10 mobs, 15% chance to stun, -15% DEF/M.DEF, -15% Avoid.
3: 110% on 10 mobs, 20% chance to stun, -20% DEF/M.DEF, -20% Avoid.
4: 120% on 10 mobs, 25% chance to stun, -25% DEF/M.DEF, -25% Avoid.
5: 130% on 10 mobs, 30% chance to stun, -30% DEF/M.DEF, -30% Avoid.

Injure: Level 5
Tank: (Panic)
1: Combo -2, 440% on 6 mobs.
2: Combo -2, 480% on 6 mobs.
3: Combo -2, 520% on 6 mobs.
4: Combo -2, 560% on 6 mobs.
5: Combo -2, 600% on 6 mobs.
Specialist: (Coma)
1: Combo -1, 280% on 6 mobs, 2% chance to stun, -10% Att, -10% Acc.
2: Combo -1, 310% on 6 mobs, 4% chance to stun, -15% Att, -15% Acc.
3: Combo -1, 340% on 6 mobs, 6% chance to stun, -20% Att, -20% Acc.
4: Combo -1, 370% on 6 mobs, 8% chance to stun, -25% Att, -25% Acc.
5: Combo -1, 400% on 6 mobs, 10% chance to stun, -30% Att, -30% Acc.
1: Combo -1, 280% on 6 mobs, 50% chance to stun, -2% Att, -2% Acc.
2: Combo -1, 310% on 6 mobs, 60% chance to stun, -4% Att, -4% Acc.
3: Combo -1, 340% on 6 mobs, 70% chance to stun, -6% Att, -6% Acc.
4: Combo -1, 370% on 6 mobs, 80% chance to stun, -8% Att, -8% Acc.
5: Combo -1, 400% on 6 mobs, 90% chance to stun, -10% Att, -10% Acc.

Endure: Level 5
Tank: (On/Off)
1: +10% damage on stunned/blinded/frozen enemies, +4% status/elemental resistances, Recover 20 HP and 5 MP every 4 seconds.
2: +15% damage, +8% resistances, Recover 40 HP and 10 MP every 4 seconds.
3: +20% damage, +12% resistances, Recover 60 HP and 15 MP every 4 seconds
4: +25% damage, +16% resistances, Recover 80 HP and 20 MP every 4 seconds.
5: +30% damage, +20% resistances, Recover 100 HP and 25 MP every 4 seconds.
Specialist: (On/Off)
1: +3% damage, +2% resistances, Recover 80 HP and 20 MP every 4 seconds.
2: +6% damage, +4% resistances, Recover 160 HP and 40 MP every 4 seconds.
3: +9% damage, +6% resistances, Recover 240 HP and 60 MP every 4 seconds.
4: +12% damage, +8% resistances, Recover 320 HP and 80 MP every 4 seconds.
5: +15% damage, +10% resistances, Recover 400 HP and 100 MP every 4 seconds.
Support: (On/Off)
1: Recover 200 HP and 40 MP every 4 seconds.
2: Recover 400 HP and 80 MP every 4 seconds.
3: Recover 600 HP and 120 MP every 4 seconds.
4: Recover 800 HP and 160 MP every 4 seconds.
5: Recover 1000 HP and 200 MP every 4 seconds.

Advanced Combo: Level 10
Tank combos 6-10 turns purple.
Specialist combos 6-10 turns indigo.
Support combos 6-10 turns yellow.
1-2 6 Combo orbs.
3-4: 7 Combo orbs.
5-6: 8 Combo orbs.
7-9: 9 Combo orbs.
10: 10 Combo orbs.

Magic Crash: Level 5
1: 30 seconds, 2 enemies.
2: 30 seconds, 4 enemies.
3: 30 seconds, 6 enemies.
4: 30 seconds, 8 enemies.
5: 30 seconds, 10 enemies.

Raging Blow: Level 15
1: 82%x5 on 8 mobs.
2: 84%x5 on 8 mobs.
3: 86%x5 on 8 mobs.
4: 88%x5 on 8 mobs.
5: 90%x5 on 8 mobs.
6: 92%x5 on 8 mobs.
7: 94%x5 on 8 mobs.
8: 96%x5 on 8 mobs.
9: 98%x5 on 8 mobs.
10: 100%x5 on 8 mobs.
11: 102%x5 on 8 mobs.
12: 104%x5 on 8 mobs.
13: 106%x5 on 8 mobs.
14: 108%x5 on 8 mobs.
15: 110%x5 on 8 mobs.

Puncture: Level 15
1: Combo -4, 200%x3 on 6 mobs, 12% every 2 seconds, enemies will take 6% more critical damage, increased by 1% when a party member attacks.
2: 202%x3 on 6 mobs, 14% every 2 seconds, 2% critical, 2% party.
3: 204%x3 on 6 mobs, 16% every 2 seconds, 3% critical, 3% party.
4: 206%x3 on 6 mobs, 18% every 2 seconds, 4% critical, 4% party.
5: 208%x3 on 6 mobs, 20% every 2 seconds, 5% critical, 5% party.
6: 210%x3 on 6 mobs, 22% every 2 seconds, 6% critical, 6% party.
7: 212%x3 on 6 mobs, 24% every 2 seconds, 7% critical, 7% party.
8: 214%x3 on 6 mobs, 26% every 2 seconds, 7% critical, 7% party.
9: 216%x3 on 6 mobs, 28% every 2 seconds, 7% critical, 7% party.
10: 218%x3 on 6 mobs, 30% every 2 seconds, 8% critical, 7% party.
11: 220%x3 on 6 mobs, 32% every 2 seconds, 8% critical, 8% party.
12: 225%x3 on 6 mobs, 34% every 2 seconds, 8% critical, 8% party.
13: 230%x3 on 6 mobs, 36% every 2 seconds, 9% critical, 9% party.
14: 235%x3 on 6 mobs, 38% every 2 seconds, 9% critical, 9% party.
15: 240%x3 on 6 mobs, 40% every 2 seconds, 10% critical, 10% party.

Combat Mastery: Level 15
Tank: (Advanced Combo bonus)
1: Damage +1% per orb.
2: +1%.
3: +1%.
4: +2%.
5: +2%.
6: +2%.
7: +3%.
8: +3%.
9: +3%.
10: +4%.
11: +4%.
12: +4%.
13: +5%.
14: +5%.
15: +5%.
Specialist: (Advanced Final Attack bonus)
1: Att +2, Acc +1%.
2: Att +4, Acc +1%.
3: Att +6, Acc +2%.
4: Att +8, Acc +2%.
5: Att +10, Acc +3%.
6: Att +12, Acc +3%.
7: Att +14, Acc +4%.
8: Att +16, Acc +4%.
9: Att +18, Acc +5%.
10: Att +20, Acc +5%.
11: Att +22, Acc +6%.
12: Att +24, Acc +7%.
13: Att +26, Acc +8%.
14: Att +28, Acc +9%.
15: Att +30, Acc +10%.
Support: (Combat Mastery)
1: 8% Defense ignored.
2: 11%.
3: 14%.
4: 17%.
5: 20%.
6: 23%.
7: 26%.
8: 29%.
9: 32%.
10: 35%.
11: 38%.
12: 41%.
13: 44%.
14: 47%.
15: 50%.

Enrage: Level 15
1: Combo -10, Damage +6%, Critical Rate +1%, Minimum Critical Damage +1%.
2: +7%, +1%, +1%.
3: +8%, +2%, +2%.
4: +9%, +2%, +2%.
5: +10%, +3%, +3%.
6: +11%, +3%, +3%.
7: +12%, +4%, +4%.
8: +13%, +4%, +4%.
9: +14%, +5%, +5%.
10: +15%, +5%, +5%.
11: +16%, +6%, +6%.
12: +17%, +7%, +7%.
13: +18%, +8%, +8%.
14: +19%, +9%, +9%.
15: +20%, +10%, +10%.
1: Combo -10, Attack speed +1, Critical Rate +8%, Minimum Critical Damage +1%, Speed +2, Jump +1, Damage +1%.
2: +11%, +1, +1%, +4, +2, +1%.
3: +14%, +1, +2%, +6, +3, +1%.
4: +17%, +1, +2%, +8, +4, +2%.
5: +20%, +1, +3%, +10, +5, +2%.
6: +23%, +1, +3%, +12, +6, +2%.
7: +26%, +1, +4%, +14, +7, +3%.
8: +29%, +1, +4%, +16, +8, +3%.
9: +32%, +1, +5%, +18, +9, +3%.
10: +35%, +1, +5%, +20, +10, +4%.
11: +38%, +1, +6%, +22, +11, +4%.
12: +41%, +1, +7%, +24, +12, +4%.
13: +44%, +1, +8%, +26, +13, +5%.
14: +47%, +1, +9%, +28, +14, +5%.
15: +50%, +1, +10%, +30, +15, +5%.
1: Combo -10, Defense +12%, Att +1%.
2: +14%, +1%
3: +16%, +1%
4: +18%, +2%.
5: +20%, +2%.
6: +22%, +2%.
7: +24%, +3%.
8: +26%, +3%.
9: +28%, +3%.
10: +30%, +4%.
11: +32%, +4%.
12: +34%, +4%.
13: +36%, +5%.
14: +38%, +5%.
15: +40%, +5%.

Advaned Final Attack: Level 10
1: 41% chance, 75%x2.
2: 42% chance, 76%x2.
3: 43% chance, 77%x2.
4: 44% chance, 78%x2.
5: 45% chance, 79%x2.
6: 46% chance, 80%x2.
7: 47% chance, 85%x2.
8: 48% chance, 90%x2.
9: 49% chance, 95%x2.
10: 50% chance, 100%x2.
11: 52% chance, 105%x2.
12: 54% chance, 110%x2.
13: 56% chance, 115%x2.
14: 58% chance, 120%x2.
15: 60% chance, 125%x2.

Maple Warrior: Level 15
1: All stats +1%.
2: +2%.
3: +3%.
4: +4%.
5: +5%.
6: +6%.
7: +7%.
8: +8%.
9: +9%.
10: +10%.
11: +11%.
12: +12%.
13: +13%.
14: +14%.
15: +15%.

How is it?

April 2, 2014

13 Comments • Newest first


I like the idea of the 3 play styles, but you shouldn't have used a class that is geared for 1 specifically from the get go ( albeit nexon buttsmexed them over and crippled that ability >.< I know Dem feels heroes)
maybe try with a class that isn't as clear cut like the those in the resistance & hero faction

Reply April 2, 2014

You said you get 90% Damage Reduction at 9000 defense, which is super easy to get now. Then immediately after say 10% Damage Reduction from Iron Body. I stopped reading after that. This idea was doomed from the start.

Reply April 2, 2014

I want an ultimate soul driver that uses the combo orbs, and maybe a third set of orbs?
Also a skill that makes brandish hit 4x a second making it usable in fourth job with advanced final attack.

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited

What do you mean? Every class has 50% mastery and 70% mastery at 4th job. I just changed it to an autolevel. Support branch does not necessarily mean party support. It can mean personal support too. Btw, I didn't change Brandish in any way. Where did you get that kind of impression?
OKay I meant that I max mastery first in every class, so it's a nerf for me for like the first ~8lv's.

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited

[quote=2KLeaves]No, Heroes were the the test subjects. I wanted to do it for every class. Didn't know it would be received so harshly.

What do you mean? Every class has 50% mastery and 70% mastery at 4th job. I just changed it to an autolevel. Support branch does not necessarily mean party support. It can mean personal support too. Btw, I didn't change Brandish in any way. Where did you get that kind of impression?[/quote]

It can be a good idea if this was a concept for one of the classes, but i don't like it for it to be across all the classes.
And it's not the idea that you're getting bad feedback for, it's the class you've chosen for your testing. Lot of Heros have complained about their bossing abillity (which is meant to be their main trait) taken from them. Heros don't have defence nor any surviabillity skills. So they're left with nothing at the moment. And your ideas sounds like a nerf, which is definately unpleasant idea for hero

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited

[quote=lts033]"The idea is an attempt to scale down the damage"... I'm not sure if you know about heros
And way too long. rather than specifically giving stats for each skill level, just type what changes are made in words. will make this post much shorter

@AntiSenpai we already have 50% pdr for combat mastery...[/quote]

Oh.. WELP! ^^ Haha I don't pay attention to what Mastery consists of

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited

[quote=Bordly]Does this person consider heroes op? What[/quote]

No, Heroes were the the test subjects. I wanted to do it for every class. Didn't know it would be received so harshly.

What do you mean? Every class has 50% mastery and 70% mastery at 4th job. I just changed it to an autolevel. Support branch does not necessarily mean party support. It can mean personal support too. Btw, I didn't change Brandish in any way. Where did you get that kind of impression?

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited

That MAstery thing is huuuuuuuuuuuge nerf to heroes or any class for that matter... Also that Attack, SPecial, Support thing? It's a bad idea in my opinion. Why does Brandish need to support your party? Your a Hero your party supports you.

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited

Does this person consider heroes op? What

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited


and like the first poster said, they recently had their revamp. They don't need this crap.

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited

"The idea is an attempt to scale down the damage"... I'm not sure if you know about heros
And way too long. rather than specifically giving stats for each skill level, just type what changes are made in words. will make this post much shorter

@AntiSenpai we already have 50% pdr for combat mastery...

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited

50% PDR from Combat mastery? That's too much, I can't take things like this seriously when it's just wishing. We both know nothing like this will be implemented so why bother? I guess it's nice to play around in our imagination on what would be cool but to take it serious is just a waste. I applaud you for taking what must have been a lot of time to make this but in the end it's just a fantasy and nothing really will come from it.

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited

1) heros don't need a revamp, they recently had one
2) "all %damage is planned to be halved, because frankly, the high numbers are unnecessary. " lol ... don't know what game you're playing
3) i didn't read the rest of your thread, sorry

have a nice day

Reply April 2, 2014 - edited