
Been gone 3 years, can someone give me a general update?

As the title states, I've been MIA for about 3 years, and have NO idea what has changed during this long absence of mine. If someone can explain a few things to me, maybe answer a question or two, or just tell me some of the new cool things that have been implemented, I'd appreciate the help tenfold. Firstly, was the level capped increased to 250? :O Kinda self explanatory since i saw the rankings, but damn i just gotta clarify because that's awesome. Next: Where are the good leveling spots for levels 150+, I've got 5 classes around the 150 area and would like to know some of the good party leveling spots. Also, have any of the classes gone extinct? I'm one of those people who like to play classes just because they're fun, but I heard somewhere that BaM's weren't seen much anymore, so I was just curious. Is someone gonna look at me funny for playing a certain class just because it's not OP? Anyways, I'd also like to know the going rate for NX now, because i know things have changed, and when things change, prices change. And last but not least, would anyone like to add me ingame so we can get in and truck some baddies? Thanks in advance guys. Private message me if you'd like to be friends, and i'll add you once I get in. This is all on Scania by the way.

August 2, 2014

14 Comments • Newest first


Nexon throw the game.

Reply August 2, 2014

3 years...i came back roughly 2 years ago, with all the updates since then (i didnt know anything about potentials), it'll be like trying to teach you a new language. Just hold off until Maplestory 2 which should be out maybe less than a years time, everybody is quitting maple these days anyways

Reply August 2, 2014

Also elite bosses are a great way to make money. Now bigger versions of monsters spawn and after that an elite boss will spawn in the map with you. When you kill it they'll be a bonus stage and such with pretty good rewards such as cubes, protections scrrools, clean slates and other stuff that are worth quite alot.
The end game equipment (Chaos Root Abyss Set) is VERY cheap. For a bam, it'll take about 300 mil for weapon, 60 mil mil for top and hat, and 1-1.2 bil for the pants mainly becuz the mage pants are the most expensive while every other non-mage class has pants around 300 mil. Nx rates are around 1:75-1:100, try to get around 1:90, but im in YMCk so whatever. Also they merged the worlds Yellonde, Mardia, Kradia, and Chaos to form YMCK so they are different worlds but you can see people from all of those worlds in the YMCK alliance. So if you're in CHaos I can see you in Kradia. Also the same thing happenend in GAZED, Glacia,Arcania, Zenith, El Nido , and Demethos
They are alot of new classes out that are generally fun and BAMs are ok but I suggest looking into a few other classes. The ocommunity isn't bad in the game actually and pepole so far donated me mesos when I was nub

Reply August 2, 2014

Just stay away. You can't just come back and compete. Wait for ms2

Reply August 2, 2014

The events have been giving more stuff (5-star enhancments, unique potential scrolls, +10 att scrolls, etc.), but you do have to wait for those events to get those items. So using those, you can scroll your own items without spending NX. Cubes are now craftable, via Smithing, so you can opt to craft your own cubes and not spend NX on cubes. Cubes also drop from bosses as well at a very low rate, so you can also buy them with mesos too. Again, just because these options are available doesn't mean they're cheap or quick to do. Crafting is expensive, and farming events is very time consuming for the most part, but these are options to get around spending actual money on the game.

The mastery book system changed, and now you can get Mastery Book 20 from potion sells for 7m, and 30 for 10m. There are also other ways of getting them for free via quest lines, and farming coins in Evo world.

Reply August 2, 2014

[quote=RarityDashi]nope, cuz u were on a 3year hiatus, the only thing u can solo is prob normal zak, will give you around 3-5mil in drops and if ur lucky, a 100m cube[/quote]

By cube do you mean a miracle cube? They made them drop from bosses now or something? And someone else said that WH's with a 40k range would be good, but I remember that 40k wasn't even that much a few years back. Man I feel so lost with all of this lol.

Reply August 2, 2014

[quote=Nessaur]You can't really get gear from the "big bosses". Current end game equips are attainable through Chaos Root Abyss (a set of 4 bosses), which is very difficult to unless you are significantly funded. Which of course mean you need to spend large amounts of money.

Tbh, I think the community is only worse on basil. Everyone is bitter as heckie and never have anything good to say, I'm sure the majority of responses will be telling to not even bother coming back or something rude and unhelpful. Personally, the game is OK but it is terribly p2w, that doesn't mean you can't have ANY fun.

At 150 you can do Dimensional PQ, preferably solo. You can go there via the dimensional door which is located in most if not all towns. I'm not sure if you can go to Stronghold at this level, I can't remember if it was 150 or 160. Stronghold is located in Temple of Time>Future Henesys. You can to do a couple of quests before you get in, but you are essentially going to be there until 250. No, there aren't any other training places. Good luck.[/quote]

I agree with you about the basil part. People in game are generally nice and helpful but this site has been pretty negative for the last couple of years.

Reply August 2, 2014

Make a WH and you'll be happy. You can have 16k range then with buffs it goes all the way to 40ish k range.

No need to thank me.

Reply August 2, 2014

Is it still pretty ridiculous to get mesos? I've been looking through the auctions on here and it seems like nothing is ever being sold on here anymore, and the stuff that is is pretty cheap. And did the level of the zones change or something? And does anyone do Von Leon Castle anymore? I remember that used to be the primary source for most party levelers.

Reply August 2, 2014

You can't really get gear from the "big bosses". Current end game equips are attainable through Chaos Root Abyss (a set of 4 bosses), which is very difficult to unless you are significantly funded. Which of course mean you need to spend large amounts of money.

Tbh, I think the community is only worse on basil. Everyone is bitter as heckie and never have anything good to say, I'm sure the majority of responses will be telling to not even bother coming back or something rude and unhelpful. Personally, the game is OK but it is terribly p2w, that doesn't mean you can't have ANY fun.

At 150 you can do Dimensional PQ, preferably solo. You can go there via the dimensional door which is located in most if not all towns. I'm not sure if you can go to Stronghold at this level, I can't remember if it was 150 or 160. Stronghold is located in Temple of Time>Future Henesys. You can to do a couple of quests before you get in, but you are essentially going to be there until 250. No, there aren't any other training places. Good luck.

Reply August 2, 2014 - edited

Temple of Time may be your best bet as far as leveling, at least until you can Stronghold. Equipment with potential is often dropped by mobs, but you may still need to invest in cubes / scrolls to really make it worth anything (unless you're lucky). Crafting is also an option to try and gain (lucky) potential on pieces of equipment.. But ultimately the game is still pretty fund-driven.

Partying is the best way to level in Stronghold, but the community's kind of drifted into soloing. You may be able to find a friendly, active guild that wouldn't mind helping, though.

Reply August 2, 2014 - edited

Most dead classes are WH's, mechs, jetts, and mihiles. BaM's aren't that common either though

Reply August 2, 2014 - edited

Wow alright then lol. Did the make bossing easier for people who don't spend hundreds of dollars on the game? Or can we now get gear by actually trying to farm it? And how could the community have gotten worse? It was already pretty bad before i left. And where can I level past 150 either by myself or with a party?

Reply August 2, 2014 - edited

You can now no life your way to level 250 and announce your tolerance to buttnumbness on your resume. Damage is 50mil and bosses are mostly solo. No1 cares about classes anymore, just the ones that can dish out the most damage. Most worlds are dead and the community is going to hell.

Reply August 2, 2014 - edited