

5outof5 #Chat Talk

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Is too much Ice bad? I usually put around 6-8 pieces of ice in one cup and also is this bad for my health? I know that if you use too much ice that you lose weight much faster but that's not a big problem for me. I'd just like it know if I can 'die' or get some serious illness or something? EDIT: I only asked this question cause my parents fuss about me taking a hand full of ice and pouring it in a cup. EDIT 2: According to my brother, he said that the cold temperature slows down the digestive tract which the causes the body to warm up? I really don't remember, I only asked this to prove my parents wrong with physical evidence cause apparently they don't believe me nor does my brother.

General Chat

Question about Wait-list So I've been wait-listed from my #1 choice college (was able to check a week early through the internet.) Now there was a secondary message that stated... "The information on this page pertains to an applicant for undergraduate admission and the term for which that applicant has applied. Notation of the term in which the applicant wishes to enter does not indicate an offer or denial of admission." Does this imply that once I get the final letter (April 1st) that I still have a chance in getting into the college for general studies?

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I have a few questions Alright so I'm not sure but i sorta feel like changing worlds from Scania to another one. Yes i've seen many threads like these but can you guys also answer some questions related to the worlds.Thanks 1)What world has nice people and decent mesos/item rates 2)What job would be good start out with? 3) What world has the least hackers but a good amount of legit players Yea i thinks thats all and the reason i feel like restarting is these past 3 years i've kept quiting and playing again. When ever i make a new character i already have all the items to make him do more damage and it just isn't a challenge anymore. Thats the reason behind this thread so thanks for any replies.

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