

7heBlood #Mage Talk

General Mage

Great Alternative to MP3! I found that the ghost ship maps give a great alternative to MP3. I'm a reg-LUK F/P Mage and I was at GS2 at level 94 then moved to GS6 at 95/6-ish. GS1 is full of Pac Pinkies giving 1050 EXP each. As a F/P, explosion hits both top and bottom, so staying at the top and spamming explosion + tele mastery is the way to go. GS2 is just an upgraded version of GS1, with Slimies (L93) giving ~1.2k exp per. Again, explosion hits both top and bottom; just navigate the top with teleport and explosion to control the mobs. Finally there's GS6, with Mr. Anchors (L98) giving 1.45k exp per kill. Same as before with explosion + tele mastery. If I have time, I place poison before they spawn, but explosion is still recommended IMO.

General Mage

Partial Resistance any use? I'm a 104 F/P Mage and I'm just wondering if partial resistance has any use when training to 120. I have everything maxed so far except seal, elemental comp and partial resistance. I can't really think of any poison or fire attacking monsters I'll be training on... The guide says I'll eventually max everything except seal. I put 1 into elemental composition as a finisher for now, which replaced my fire arrow. So... should I get partial resistance, elemental comp or seal first? And what monsters would partial resistance be useful for? Thanks for any input.