APistolCame #Chat Talk

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Working on this piece So I'm working on this song for my piano lessons. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEUUvMZAtO4]This one[/url] The piece is not that hard to play*, but to play it at full speed without too many flaws is just insane. Especially the chromatic part... Can't manage to nail that, lol. Any tips of seasoned players :) ? EDIT: *That came out a bit wrong, I don't know that the piece is easy to play, I mean that it is not that hard to learn the whole thing on a decent speed. But to play it how it should be played, on full speed and with all the emotion, is just simply impossible.. My Goal for now is just to be able to play it in a decent way :) Sorry if this caused a misunderstanding, haha!

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What is the perfect MMO for me? Hello everyone, Over the past few weeks I have been looking all over the web for a new MMO to play. I am not specificly looking for any genre, I am just trying out anything which is appealing to me. The problem is, I just can't find the perfect MMO for me. Everything I try is getting bored very quickly or is just not varried enough to stay fun. I was hoping that anyone around here could give me some suggestions about what MMO to play. It would be usefull for you if I gave you some information about my interest. As I just said, I am not specificly looking for one certain genre, but it are a couple of genres which I like. These are RPG's, Action games and fantasy (tps) shooters. Besides from Tales Runners and T

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One serious event can change you for a lifetime It's something I've recently been thinking about quite often. I used to be quite vivid, hang out with friends very often, tend not to look back if I made some mistakes, bad things happened. Because they do and they always will. In the winter of 2009 I've had my first serious relationship with a girl I had really fallen in love with. We didn't know each other inside out just yet so we soon started to see our differences, causing us to break up not too long after. She left me for her ex and I just tried to get on with my life. The main thing being is that we stil went to the same school. In the first few months we were together in a few classes. Later we were only together in one class, this act

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What is your favorite meal Hey guys, I'm just wondering what your favorite meal is. I'm also wondering how much the taste of food of a, for exmaple, American differs to this of a, for example, Asian so please tell me what your race is as well! :) My favorite meal is a Kapsalon. A Dutch meal from Rotterdam :) [url=http://www.google.nl/imgres?q=kapsalon&hl=nl&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=jPPm1PVFsNsuuM:&imgrefurl=http://www.riddersvanhetvrijewoord.nl/2009/01/iedereen-aan-de-kapsalon/&docid=C2K4RJlELzcEVM&w=460&h=329&ei=ooZXTrPoMOv74QTRxYHADA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=155&vpy=140&dur=546&hovh=190&hovw=266&tx=172&ty=122&page=1&tbnh=160&tbnw=211&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=

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When your whole life changes because of one message. Dear basilers, It has not been long ago that we were just having fun, performing at some random events, going out, having some drinks and so on. She has always been a energetic person, always in for some fun and a hard worker indeed. Tired of all the work? She never is, she always keeps going, 'Just do it' is how I would describe her acting. But then, all of the sudden, it was going downwards with her health. She always had bad luck with her health, a weak back, weight problem, but this time it was different.. For a couple of weeks already she was experiencing a anoying pain in her leg. Didn't seemed harmfull at first, but that changed soon enough. For the last couple of weeks she had to

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Wonderfull news for the oldskool gamers Hi Basilers, Does any of you remember this amazing game named Survival Project? The global version of it was closed many years ago, but the game is still unique in it's kind. The game still looks great and a lot of people could not understand why it was closed. Over the past couple of years I often randomly looked around the webs if there were any new Global servers hosted by any companies or gamers for this games, since I can't play on the Korean server. (I guess it's korean) I've come across some fail attempts, but it never really happened so far.. So a couple of days ago, I saw this forum going live over here: [url=http://spgame.net/]http://spgame.net/[/url]. At first I thought that it was just ano

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What is your summer job? So it's summer in most parts of the world (Sorry Aussie's and Antarticans :( ) and those of you who are not in a paid job yet, might be taking a summer job to earn some extra cash instead of wasting all your free time on things like MapleStory. :) I was just wondering what kind of summer jobs you guys have or are planning to take? Anything special happened during them? I'm personally helping my father out at his company, doing some of the administration, just a boring office job, but it pays off quite well. Nothing really special has happened in the past 3 summers I've been doing this, other than some very anoying and rude customers that is. :| Share your story's :)

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What do you think about instrumental music Hi Basilers, All my life I've always been intrested in Instrumental music. I have been playing piano for a very long time now and I've been drumming for a couple of years as well. For some reason I don't seem to care about the lyrics of a song at all. I do like music with vocals, but I mostly listen to the vocals as another instrument, another melody, the lyrics don't seem to attrect me. For this reason I prefer to listen to instrumental music and with this I mostly mean Jazz, bossa nova, blues and latin music. I really like some instrumental hard rock/melodic metal songs as well, but that's only when I'm really feeling like it. Of course, a lot of this music has vocals in its songs, but I prefer t