

AReynante #Shadower Talk

General Shadower

175 Shadower coming back Hey there all, I recently came back after like 3 1/2 years and I managed to get my old account back, however I seem to not be as good as I remember. I'll post a link to an album of my gear (because typing all that out would be a nightmare) and I seem to not have any rings, as well as no emblem or badge. I'm working on the emblem as I type this up, although with how different everything is and my 140 gear seeming to just be trash now I am at a loss for what to do. To me it seems like, get 4 decent enough rings, get a badge, and then just boss daily. I have about 40m and nothing really to sell (Besides a ton of legend maple weps from back then) so funding is definitely an issue, and also I won't be buying NX. Do peopl

General Shadower

Zakum solo - My fail editing [url=]Fixed the video :D[/url] Hey there everybody :D I recently solo'd Zakum for the shadower collaberation project going on on Basil, and I just wanted to post the full version for you all to laugh at :) Don't mind my lack of focus while I ignore Zakum and kill the mobs. Anywho. 14:08 total solo time, (49:19 to 35:11), and no AB/Maha's with only MW11 and an energizer. I show my range, inadvertently, at 2:46. (20605 ~ 29435)

General Shadower

Zakum solo - My fail editing [url=]Fixed the video :D[/url] Hey there everybody :D I recently solo'd Zakum for the shadower collaberation project going on on Basil, and I just wanted to post the full version for you all to laugh at :) Don't mind my lack of focus while I ignore Zakum and kill the mobs. Anywho. 14:08 total solo time, (49:19 to 35:11), and no AB/Maha's with only MW11 and an energizer. I show my range, inadvertently, at 2:46. (20605 ~ 29435)