

Abrazamee #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

Are you kidding me Why the crap did they make [url=http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa466/CiudadesDeVerano93/distantgazeomg.jpg]this[/url] a boy's face and not a girls face. Do you not see the eyelashes and the feminine-ness. is gms serious. i bet its cuz they wanted the new 'pure gaze' to have a boy version or something. horrible. D: I SERIOUSLY WANTED THIS FACE. IF THEY DO THIS TO THE OTHER UNRELEASED FACE THAT I WANT I GUESS ILL BE FORCED TO GET A SEX CHANGE. ok maybe not, but what the heckz yo D: im sure alot of girls wanted this face too! somebody please agree with me on this one~ ;[ P.S. i'm curious, are any guys happy they got this face? how do you feel about this? x]