AbsymalTorment #Chat Talk

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I am so close to punching my neighbors So today, they decide to water their lawn, well the water is hitting my mothers car, and she doesn't like that. So she went over and asked them if they can move the sprinkler, they called her a b word, they told us that we are nothing because we're renting the place, that our family is a pile of crap, etc, how we hate their dog, how our cat goes onto their yard (which is false because right when I let her out she goes over the fence in the back of the yard). I swear to god they were lucky I didn't hear them (would have been worse if my dad was at home) call my mother a b word or else I'd be in a cop car right now. What should we do? I told my mom to call the cops but she has to think about that. She do

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