AdvancedSoda #Chat Talk

General Chat

So I really like this girl Irl. A little help? ^Okay so I've liked this girl for a really long time... Except she's been ignoring me (ever since junior year) And I really like her a lot! But I can barely talk to her. My feelings/emotions explode every time I try to talk to her. And I don't know how to say to her that I like her. Amy tips? On how to ask her? Like should I just blurt it out in a group setting. Or a private setting? And have you ever been a setting like mine, where sometimes you like someone. Except hey ignore you just because you have feelings for them..., p:s thank you for your time for reading this... #drinkadvancedsoda

General Chat

So Im thinking Ill be single for a while I've completely given up hope that I'm going to find a girl myself. The last girl I REALLY LIKED. She Ignored me one, and two I found out from someone else that she liked another guy. It happens over and over and it's really annoying Idk if anyone else has that problem. But it's really driving me crazy. I think I know people who like me, but I've given up on a possible relationship since I still can't get over her. Am I overreacting about this? Yes, does anyone care about my life? No. Why am I posting this on Basil? I really just want to know what should I do now... Since I won't be able be in a relationship with her, sigh. :( P:P:S I know there's mixed ages on these forums and possible relationships