AdvancedSoda #Shade Talk

General Shade

Shade questline, can any kmsers confirm this? If anyone that plays gms, that also plays kms and has played eunwol/shade. I just want to know if there is a "required" questline, Idk if there is anyone like that. But if there is that would be extremely helpful thankyou. I mean, I don't mind quests since I prefer questing over grinding (sometimes) I know, I know there's probably a billion threads about shade, but hey. I just want to know about this special quest line thingy. Oh yeah, and if anyone has ever done a kms version of eunwol let's play. Can anyone link it for me? I know I'm asking a lot... But I just want to know so I can prepare... Thanks guys, and have a nice day! P:S Who also thinks that the shade hair looks really ugly?