

Aean #Xenon Talk

General Xenon

returning to xenon Hello, I've recently returned to maple and wanted some advice on my xenon. He is level 133 and at ~31k clean and since I'm dirt poor I only have 50m. I have some items worth of value like my 3l unique 4% str racc mask, and was wondering if I should sell that (P.c?) to get a little bit more money. I also have some random empress that I can sell and a halloween leopard costume but nothing for my xenon. After I make a bit more money, would it be worth it to just get full empress or just bits of other high level equips? Sorry that you probably see these threads 1000 times, but I'm honestly clueless because all my friends have moved on :~( I could always use some friends so if you want to add me, Aeean on bera :) Thank you lot