

Aerogaa #Art Talk

General Art

How do you find time to draw? Speaking to those who draw as a hobby, how do you find time to draw? Inspiration, practice, motivation, all of it? I find myself in a period where I don't feel like I have the time for anything nor the motivation to continue doing anything, and for the past few weekends anything I try to draw ends up unsaved and exited. I feel on the verge of giving up art entirely and putting my time elsewhere (for starters, my studies could use some more attention). Over the past few years I've slowly stopped enjoying my hobbies and phasing out of them; art is the last I've got, but I just can't find the motivation to care anymore. How do you artists cope, fitting art into your schedules and managing frustration over your art

General Art

How do you find time to draw? Speaking to those who draw as a hobby, how do you find time to draw? Inspiration, practice, motivation, all of it? I find myself in a period where I don't feel like I have the time for anything nor the motivation to continue doing anything, and for the past few weekends anything I try to draw ends up unsaved and exited. I feel on the verge of giving up art entirely and putting my time elsewhere (for starters, my studies could use some more attention). Over the past few years I've slowly stopped enjoying my hobbies and phasing out of them; art is the last I've got, but I just can't find the motivation to care anymore. How do you artists cope, fitting art into your schedules and managing frustration over your art

General Art

Drawing requests tonight Gonna do some requests for practice, so post 'em. I'll try to crank these out as fast as possible, but give me like an hour or so. I'll only draw you if you charm me with knightly and Shakespearean English. [url=]You tried, Cookies, you did. The fact remains that you did indeed put your best effort in, and that is enough in my book to warrant something of equal return.[/url] [url=]Don't worry about that one bit, my dear sir, I merely wanted to put into action a hypothesis of mine determining whether or not others would read what was posted or not. I also wanted to introduce the feeling of politeness here, and you two have begun that splendidly.