AkatsukiLove #Mage Talk

General Mage

Help with Lukless Mage Hi guys, I have a lukless F/P Mage and i need help with tips on equipment.. I only have about 50-53 luk with all my equips while i need 100-107 What equipment could I get that would make this transition the easiest? Hat: Z-Helm, 15/15/16/16 (16 luk/int) Eyes: Onyx Glasses, 3m.atk, 3 all Face: Blood Mask, 3.atk, 3 all Earring: 0 slots, 4% int, 4%int , +6 int Glove: Mushroom Kingdom Glove, 2m.atk (planning to get flamekeeper 8.matk clean, but that still doesnt help with luk) Cape: Purple Adventurer Cape, 6m.atk +7 Int Pendent: Dep Star, 6 Luk, 7 Int Overall: Red Starlight, 4int, 1luk, 2% int Shoes: Red Sneaker, 4% Int , +4int Weapon : Maple Shine Wand , 84 m.atk Clean, 15% PDR... (At level 77 i have a 114atk pyrope staf