

Al3xL3g3nd #Chat Talk

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I should never touch other peoples stuff I was really annoyed with how lame my amp was sounding so I decided to use my roommate's amp while he is gone. He is usually okay with me using his stuff. I went to plug in my guitar and I turned it on and no sound was coming out. I put the volume up just a little bit more and still nothing. Then a few seconds later I hear "pop" and the amp turns off. It would not turn on again. Not sure if this affected it but there was a cable that when from "cd/mp3 in" to "phones/record out." What do I do?

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So theres this girl I like Many years ago, I found a girl that I really liked. I was so childish in it that I thought I could ask her out every day of the week and be able to be her boyfriend. I was so stupid. I was rejected every time without a hitch. I did this for a while without realizing it would never happen. So I stopped and thought I would never like someone again. But then I saw a girl in a different way for the first time. She was extremely beautiful and I did not even notice her because of how much I was in dumb love with the first girl. After a few days, I started to fall in love. One day I noticed she was on my bus because she moved. I couldn't believe it. So my stupid antics about how love should go kicked in again and I asked

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Feeling sick today Symptoms: Headache since friday Stomach ache since yesterday morning (Woke up 6 AM today very nauseous) Muscle aches all over since around 7 PM yesterday Don't know if I have a fever but I do feel hot Mild chills Going to the doctor later. These symptoms sound really general. Should I wait a day until more symptoms come apparent or should I go to the doctor with this? It feels like the flu but I don't have the coughing, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, etc.

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If you do not support gay marriage, are you homophobic? I found this online and I thought it was an interesting question. What was even more interesting though was a comment from someone (Fred (near the bottom)) who said that gay marriage was fine and there should be nothing separating two people from marriage but he opposed marriages of incest. Your thoughts? Personally I am catholic so I do not support gay marriage or incestuous marriage within the church but if people do it elsewhere I do not care. I let people believe what they want to believe. No, I am not homophobic. Source: EDIT: Also I want you guys to focus on the comment. What about marriages of incest? Should they be treated the same as gay marriages? Are people bad for thinking

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What do you think of SF2s Hero Mode? The Soldier Front 2 early access just started yesterday and it's pretty good compared to most other F2P shooters. What I was most interested about this game was hero mode which is basically a MOBA style game type that plays like an FPS. So far, I really enjoy it but it is very lacking. The weapon choice is kind of weird and you're only going to use one weapon because you want to save money to build your stats. Also, due to prioritization on stats, you probably won't use grenades or airstrikes. They need to make it so that maxing your stats doesn't take very long so you will be more inclined to use special weapons and such. It is definitely an awesome mode and I can't wait to see how they are going to cha

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