

Amazing #Chat Talk

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A 250 word fictional story It’s a bright sunny morning. Bob Mimilekins rises from his bed, ready for the exciting day head of him. He leaps from the bed! There’s a thud as he wrestles with his clothing and tugs it on, before he wolfs down his breakfast and leaps into his trusty car. And he is off to work! Now, you might be thinking: “Why the hell do we care about this random Bob Mimilekins?” Well, Bob just happens to work for the most important industry in the world. Space travel! And with space travel come a lot of things. Money, fame, and most important, LIABILTY. One mistake on Bob’s part, say a minor miscalculation, and a batch of people going on a moon vacation might burn up into a flaming ball of flesh and steel upon re-entr

General Chat

I found someones car keys Yesterday night during a black out. I tried to give it to public safety, but they drove me away. I kind of stared holding out the keys to the car, but they're like "please go away". I put the keys in my desk and left it there. I drove to my Grandpa's place because there was internet, a bigger bed, a not-so-disgusting shower, and food. Also my next class didn't start till 2PM the next day. Now class has ended and I still have the keys, but I'm contemplating if I should look for the car or just give it back. Edit: I didn't use that car to drive to my grandpa's place. I have my own car.

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Going to my significant others house for the weekend My mom always says to get a little gift as a token of appreciation or simply to be polite. I intend to stick to the tradition as it has landed me on the good side of the majority of my friend's parents. Anyways, my significant other's family is Chinese. Anyways, things that I can't get: -Chocolates, cakes, or sweets of any kind -Tea -Jade Figures -Traditional Chinese stuff (jewelry etc). -Plants -Fruits I'm at a loss. What can I get to show appreciation but at the same time show that it's not exactly an useless gift in her eyes? Last time I sent a Japanese brand box of cigar cookies and she shrugged it off without eating it.

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A crush scenario Okay, lets say you had have a crush on this guy/girl/whatever floats your boat for the longest time. You'd made hints and flirted with said person, but you never blatantly asked said person out nor have you mentioned you had a crush on said person. After a period of time, said person is taken and they tell you that they're taken. What do you do? Edit: I don't need advice. I'm actually role playing this scenario for someone else. I'm in a happy and dedicated relationship for 8 months and counting just as a by the way.

General Chat

I feel like crying. On 3/6/2011: 1) I forgot to go to midnight release of Pokemon Black and White. Friend is now mad. 2) I got my game extremely late (4PM) so I couldn't speed run first day. I been speed running Pokemon games since Sapphire so this is kind of augh :c. 3) Started game after long dinner around 10PM. Speed run to getting 4 badges @ 5th badge gym leader. Last save was after getting the 2nd gym badge. ~12:30 AM by this point so I turned off my game and got ready for bed. 4) In bed wondering if I saved @ 5th gym leader. Gets out of bed checks game. Back at 2nd gym. 5) ... 6) Raging/feeling like crying and posting on Basil.

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