

Amuro #Site Talk

General Site

Please Reconsider New Posting Restrictions In my opinion, the new posting restrictions are silly. The level 30+ thing contradicts the idea of having a New Players section on BasilMarket, and prevents newbies who like to take their time with the game from posting questions and asking for advice. I make so many new characters that at this point, I almost have every single class covered, and even duplicates of some. As far as I remember, not a single one of them reached level 30 in the first day. I highly doubt I'm alone here; I'm sure many new players aren't going to research ahead of the time and take the most efficient route to 30, and I'm sure they would prefer the privilege of posting without having to rush their "story". Obviou

General Site

Restrictions For New Basil Accounts I was thinking of using a new basil account since I felt like having a change in BasilID. I know that there's a limit on how many comments new users can post per day, and that they can't like posts or vote in polls right away. What I wasn't aware of until I made a new account today was this: "By being a responsible auctioner, making trades in a timely manner and being a curteous trader, you will improve your Feedback rating over time. Your Feedback rating will determine what kinds of features you can use on Feedback +5 - Once you have 5 successful auctions with positive ratings, you will be allowed to Auto-Win auctions and submit screens. Feedback +20 - With a rating of +20, you will