AnthonysWill #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Prediction on when the next revamp arrives? I've heard BaMs are getting revamped a lot later in the future, but i would like a well-informed BaM to give me a prediction on when. :) I'm interested in remaking a new BaM. I have made one before but I was turned off by how they could only use staffs, and weapon speed affected them compared to other mages. I do enjoy the concept of BaMs though (Fighting up close, and I love stance and Auras) Meanwhile, I will hunt for equipment/skillbooks on my BaM before the revamp arrives. Does anyone know what boss drops Elemental Staff 1-4? or a decent high leveled FAST staff that's not a pyogo mushroom?

General Battlemage

Possible to reach speed cap with Empress Staff? Hello, I'm wondering if BaMS can reach their max attacking speed using a SLOW staff. Lets test this on the Empress Staff. Empress Staff is Slow (8) right? Empress Staff: 8 Staff Booster: -2 (6) Advance Yellow Aura: -1 (5) Decent Speed Infusion: -1 (4) [Hard to get legend tier unless you have the $$$ or you're awesome at merchanting] Inner Ability: -1 (3) [Hard to get lucky with those inner abilities, they're extremely random and unlikely in your favor] End result: 3 I'm not sure if there are any other ways to boost attacking speed. Of course it's easier to just use an Ele Staff 5-8 as an end game weapon if you're a BaM. But, those are super. Any other options? (Currently usi

General Battlemage

Postrevamp BaM Vs Buccaneer Read the title. I would like to hear the BaM's community opinion on this comparison: Post-Revamp BaM VS Buccaneer. I love both jobs because they're both melee classes (Well, not so much on Buccaneers and their laser blast, but Octopunch counts.) But, which class has more benefits, and also state their flaws. [b]This is NOT a "This class is better!" discussion.[/b] I [b]know[/b] i will received biased answers for posting in the BaM forum, but I would rather hear everyone's analysis on both jobs. Thank you if you can contribute with your opinion. and Yes! I plan to main a Buccaneer/BaM based on what I read off of here. ;)