

Apocolyptm #Updates Talk

General Updates

Boat ride Dc'ing hello Basilers, well! lemme' tell you the story.. almost everytime im on a ship, i'll dc in about the first 4 minutes of the ride. ive discovered that doing just about anything will do this to me. weather im feeding my pet, dropping an ect item, or even jumping, i'll dc. the only way i can make it through a full boat ride is if i dont do ANYTHING, and that is quite bothersome. so im just wondering if it happens to any of you guys. although i believe ive witnessed it happen to other players. (unless im mistaken and they just merely decided to log out).

General Updates

a question about Pink exp capsules as anyone with a resistance character knows, you get pink exp capsules when you hit certain levels,are tranferable within the account, and can be used up to seven times. in order to use them, you have to be above lvl 30, and upon using them, you gain a level. BUT.... is that only true for low lvl 30 characters? my question is: will a higher leveled person , like myself, be able to level up 7 times by using these? or will i gain like.. 30k exp from each? (which would be a great dissapointment, considering i had to level up my resistance to lvl 100)