Applesnacks #General Talk


How do NLs not need a revamp I don't understand everyone's logic. NL's are FAR from overpowered and if you've played a NL, you would know that too. If you don't think need a rebuff, then fine since they aren't completely weak. Damage wise, they are in the middle but they still have so much useless skills. But they [b]clearly[/b] need a revamp. Play a NL, you'll look at your book and see that you have so much useless skills. Ex: Shadow Meso, Meso Web, Ninja Storm, Ninja Ambush, (Meso Up too for some people), Expert Throwing Star Handling. So for the love of Nexon, stop thinking that these guys are fricking overpowered and deserve nothing. If anything, they [b]ATLEAST[/b] deserve more practical/useful skills and skill animation changes like t


We are no match for the black mage! Hes just toying with us. Just when we maplers think that we can control the world, he toys with us by creating something stronger. Just when we defeated the so called strongest monster in maple, he just laughs and makes something stronger that we can barely defeat and just keeps repeating. No matter what he's just toying with us by making us feel strong! If he has the power to change EVERYTHING in the maple world in 1 day, he is just simply too strong for us. -Waits for impending doom-


Old MS was horrible Shut up about old ms being better. NOTHING about it was better. If you actually thought about it, you would realize that it is not Maplestory that was better, but the fact that you were new to it was what made it better. You should realize that the feeling of starting something for the first time is what makes things better. New things to explore, However, that doesnt make current maple worse. If you were actually players back then (contrary to what seems to be 80% of basil claiming to be beta players) you would know Maple is 100000% better now than before, Maple has clearly changed for the better, its just that you've grown used to it. (Cant word it right)


Tired of this Nightlord stuff =.= Why is everyone saying that Nightlords do not need a revamp patch? Anyone with a bit of common sense can see that Nightlords need some improvements. First of all Nightlords have wayyy to much useless skills. Ex: Shadow Meso, Shadow Web, Ninja Storm, Ninja Ambush. Second of all, How can people still say "Nightlords shouldnt complain, their top in dps". In what way are they top in Dps? They are just average attackers now? Its not like they top 5 in DPS. Yet a Corsair whos even higher a DPS can get a patch and no one would say a thing. Like seriously, what is wrong with basil =.=