

AquaNovus #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

Bowmaster Mastery Skill Books amp Skill Build So I've gotten my ranger to a 123 bowmaster atm and I've been working on the Silent Crusade Quests and the Crusader Codex. Crusader Codex: Currently 342/469 Silent Crusade: Silent Crusade Grand Captain with all quests completed except for those 7 others. So I've been wondering how much these Bowmaster Skill Books? (Khaini-wise) Hurricane 20 & 30 Sharp Eyes 20 & 30 Bow Expert 20 & 30 Phoenix 20 & 30 Hamstring 20 & 30 Maple Warrior 20 & 30 Dragon's Breath 20 & 30 Vengeance 20 & 30 Concentrate 20 & 30 Marksmanship 20 & 30 What should my skill build be for my bowmaster? So far my bowmaster has 2 Sharp Eyes 2 Hurricane 7 Bow Expert 1 Phoenix