

AquaTaser #General Talk


Almost 100 for the first time. Maplestory has become SO easy I can hit level 70 in 2 weeks max. Its rediculas. It used to be 2 weeks for mages to hit level 30. I remeber my cousin had to train on cootlies from 73-83 because there was no where for him to train. And he was happy to get 10%/hr. Now Im getting mad if I get anything less that 60% an hour. Maplestory needs to go back to being hard so all the idoits that dont deserve to be level 70+ Wont be level 70+. Anyone agree with me?


2x card fail Yesterday, When I was about to train durring 2x a buddy mentioned he had some nx, and I asked him if I could have 2.1k for a 2x card so I can 4x for the first time (Parents dont let me buy nx) And hes like ya sure man :D! Im like SWEET :]. So He gifts it and Im excited. -Enters cash shop- No gift. -Chats friend- Hey Whats the Ign you gifted the card too, EatHeal. Me: -Face palm- Dude My ign's EatHeai Remeber I told you when we first met? (not too long ago) Hes like: Zomg dude iz so sorry. Now some lucky noob with the real version of my IGN gets a nice 4x for 4 hours. That just shows how Lucky I am. :]


Soooo heres a question Should I come back to maple to hit level 200 on my DrK. (currently level 194) or should I continue playing my xbox? I really find xbox to be funner and more entertaining, but common, I'm almost there on maple. I try to get on maple but the second someone makes me mad I just log off and play xbox for another week before even concerning or thinking about playing maple again. What do I do? :| EDIT: I realized that My nx expired and me being a nx hoar I have to have nx before I even look at my character. But I have a job to support my nx buying habbit.