

Arion #Chat Talk

General Chat

I'm so sad this happened I had this friend on Maple who was awesome, he was a lower level then me but he still liked to chill at Buffys with me while I hunted. Occasionally I'd just dump a bunch of random equips from them on him as my inventory got full. We'd talk about stuff like where we were going to train next and when he was level 51 we could CPQ together. It was all fine and dandy, he lent me money when I needed it and I payed him back when I could. Then the inevitable happened, he turned to BasilMarket for guides. This was fine and dandy, he uploaded his character but didn't really like it much. I was in the computer lab at my school and BAM there he was on his Basil account. Dream scenario, right? Wrong, this was the guy who bullied

General Chat

Ever had one of those nights? Ever had one of those nights you just can't for the life of you sleep? I sure have. For the past 3 weeks. 3 [i]weeks[/i]. My doctor doesn't believe a thing I say so I can't get him to tell me if anything's wrong. My headaches? 3D changes or allergies. My abdomen pains? Alleriges. My limbs going numb randomly or a dull ache? Allergies. My quite obvious sleeping disorder? Alleriges. How many things can [b]pollen and hayfever[/b] even [i]cause[/i]? Apparently quite a bit according to my doctor. I've been missing school because I can't go with no sleep or I crash in school. (Hence why I didn't call insomnia) I fall asleep during the day and lose precious daylight hours I could be using doing something else. I can't

General Chat

The Basil Avatars Am I the only one who recognizes people by their avatars? I don't recognize you for your BasilID or even charactar name but your avatar. If someone changes their avatar it takes me abit to recognize them again. Like UlgyFist, he changed his avatar's skin colour :O It took me abit to recognize it was him. Or MontBlanc when he changed from his halloween themed character to that assassin for awhile. Am I the only one who does this? Or are there any others out there who recognize people the exact same way? *No I am not friends with the two mentioned I just happen to see them on the threads I visit in the section I lurk around. EDIT: I do not expect you to have seen me, stop saying if you have or haven't that's not what my thre