

Arktal #Quests Talk

General Quests

List of quests giving a worthy scroll Hello Maplers :) Everyone met the need to get mesos in MapleStory, and most of time, the first thing we think about is selling scrolls, so I've listed every quest that seemed interesting to get scrolls worthing a sale. I did not add quests that require ores or plates since we can not get them anymore. If you find a quest missing, don't hesitate to tell me ;p [b]Update list[/b] - 04/03/11 : Added "Terminating The Dark Force" ; Deleted "A Delivery to a Lost Time" ; Added the location information ; Added smiley to quests giving "Scroll for Gloves for ATT" [b]Additional informations[/b] [E] El Nath Mt. & Aquaroad [L] Ludus Lake [LF] Leafre [M] Masteria [ML] Malaysia [MN] Mu