

Armags #Evan Talk

General Evan

Help getting to 50k range Getting 50k range is the main goal in Maplestory for me-after achieving it I will be able to quit in peace. I currently have 36k range and the following equips: 5 matt Emp Hat 4 matt Emp Robe 6 matt Emp Shoe 9 matt Emp Glove 6% INT Tempest Belt, Ring(4 matt), Pendant(5 matt) Clean Emp Shoulder Evolving Ring III Max LV WABR(expires)/DABR 27% INT earrings 5% INT 10matt purple gaia cape 180matt Dragon Tail War Staff 9 matt 5% INT Esther Shield Can someone give me some advice on what to upgrade? I'm going to use the future Unlimited Ring as my 4th ring, and I'm kinda done with chaosing for now. Help would be appreciated!