

AugPirate #Mercedes Talk

General Mercedes

Ring of Ishtar 20k,50k,100k ok there have been multiple treads like this..i know cus ive seen em all but as u can see im lvl 94 merc and have been for a while (due to problems with computer) i currently have 10 attk wgs and a lvl 17 evo ring and 2% dex THATS ALL (range is 3k-5k buffed..but i dont really care bout it at ths lvl) but when i hit lvl 130 i wanna be doing at least 70k on ishtar' (im cerrently broke, but when im able to relog on maple i will have nx cash) [b]BUT THE POINT OF THIS THREAD[/b] is how much range would be required to hit 20k, 50k, 100k, on ishtar i have a 120 WA who wits 20k on hurricane and i spent no more thatn 5mil on him(very unfunded) also forgot his range..its been months since i relogged