AuraDreamer #Thunderbreaker Talk

General Thunderbreaker

Predicted Thunder Breaker Revamp Date Gms Hi all, being the avid reader of such patch notes, extractions and such from GMS, KMS and KMST, I have managed to approximately narrow down the date of the Thunder Breaker revamp to around the 4th of September 2013. Please note that this is merely speculation with some vague evidences that will be listed below. If for some reason GMS decides to do a full Cygnus Knights revamp patch thing, then the date of revamp will be WAY into the unforeseeable future. However for now, let us assume that GMS will follow it's general path of patch cycles. Evidence 1: In the KMS patches, the Thunder Breaker revamp is released approximately 5 weeks following the Demon Avenger release. Evidence 2: The usual new class