AznPride112 #Shade Talk

General Shade

Science fiction becoming a reality? Do you think science will ever be like what it is in Futurama? Do you think time-travel will ever be possible? I read in an article somewhere that when Matt Groening was creating Futurama, that, that was how he thought the world would end up like in possibly 1000-10,000 years. Although. Futurama kind of portrays time travel in a really skewed way. Now before you say stuff like "No, it's a show and it's all fake", it could happen one day. As we get more and more technologically advanced.

General Shade

Mario Kart 8 Other Triple A titles According to articles, it's been reported that Mario Kart has sold over 2 million copies since it was released almost a month ago.~oIswa8KDtAemYB What're your thoughts on this? Do you think Mario Kart 8 has saved the Wii U's life? And do you think sales of the Wii U will sky-rocket once LoZ, SSB and the plethora of other games come out? The Nintendo 3DS was in a similar situation, but look what happened when they finally released Triple A titles for the Nintendo 3DS (LoZ, FE, Pokemon X and Y, A large number of Mario Games). Sales for the Nintendo 3DS sky rocketed.

General Shade

Hanging out in Henesys Like you know how in all the populated worlds and even the smaller less populated ones? Everyone goes to Henesys to hang out? I never understood what made Henesys stand out from any other town. I mean Ellinia is just as nice looking and just as interesting as Henesys. Kerning City used to be filled with lots of people until they got rid of Kerning PQ. And I never understood what the deal was with Perion. I get Perion isn't the best looking of towns but it's not that bad compared to towns like Nautilus or KFT ot even Omega Sector. And Lith Harbor? No one ever goes to Lith Harbor unless it's a GM Event or they've just come from Maple Island.