BBisUnbalance #Nintendo Talk

General Nintendo

thinking about getting back to play Ds/3ds I have 2 3DS systems and close to 40 (or slightly more, I haven't actually counted lately, I just know its around that number and growing thanks to eBay and their 5x eBay bucks promotions) games for DS or 3DS, a few ive completed since I got them, dragon quest ix im stuck on (because of having to create extra characters through a certain type of wireless internet, I have tge wrong type and can't switch it), the rest i either barely touched or completed before What are some games you think stand out and would be ones I can't help but complete as soon as I can? I work 40-60+ hours a week so i only end up spending so much time video gaming after I catch up with my shows (I DVR everything and get to so

General Nintendo

what ds games should i get? So, I may never see my biggest problem again (druggie oldest brother, not discussing the details here, but if you are really interested, you can message me; now back on topic) and I have a job again (pay is minimum, 40 hours a week, I like it and hope it lasts a while, but again, not discussing that here), and I'm planning on starting a ds/3ds game collection of sorts, I'd like to stay below $20 a game as much as possible, I mainly play RPGs, Mario (and Luigi) games, and kingdom hearts. I have Kingdom hearts 358/2 days, dream drop distance, and have re:coded coming, I have paper Mario sticker star, all 3 Mario and Luigi games on ds/3ds (unless I'm missing anything) I also have dragon quest ix coming, and might ge